9.3.2 Attaching the
extended knee brackets
Loosen Knob (c) and remove knee support.
Slide extension bracket unto the knee
bracket and secure with white rubber
washer, silver washer, plastic spacer and
Fix the knee supports to the extension
brackets at the required height using black
rubber washer, black washer and M6 screw.
9.4 Adjustment to
accommodate the
contracture angle
If possible, adjustment of the swinging
footplate on the Mygo stander should
be performed when the client is out
of the stander. However there may be
circumstances where it is necessary or
preferable to adjust the angle of the swinging
footplate with the client in the stander. This
process requires two competent persons;
one to make the adjustments and one to
assess the comfort of the client during the
adjustment, and is best performed with the
stander in a horizontal position.
In upright or prone standing:
Assess the client's range of movement,
muscle tone, etc, on a plinth and determine
the optimum standing posture before
positioning the client in the stander. Position
the client in the Mygo stander. While carefully