2. Install Outer Cover:
As shown in Fig. 4, hold the main unit with your left hand; hold the lower
part of the outer cover with your right hand and gently push it inwards along
the bottom edge of nebulizer till it buckled to the projected columns at both
sides of nebulizing head; press it downwards with your thumb and middle
finger successively, a 'ka' sound indicates each installation is completed
Fig. 4
3. Place the assembled device into clean and dry storage bag.
1. Remove the outer cover:
Remove it as per a sequence reverse
to installation order (see Fig. 5).
Fig. 5
2. Open the nebulizer:
Hold the main unit with your left hand,
pinch the nebulizer lock with the thumb
and forefinger of your right hand
and snap it upward to open
the nebulizer as in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6