There may no longer be a gap under the nail, so that dirt cannot penetrate.
Ensure that no air bubbles or white spots form under the nail tip o. In this
case, take the nail tip o off immediately and lay it back on again.
When you have glued all of the artifi cial nails o on, trim them to the desired
length with the nail clippers q. Press the nail clippers q together in one
squeeze. If you press too slowly, it may happen that the nail tips o splitter.
File them into shape with the sand sheet fi le i.
File very carefully, because the nail tips o are held only with a nail glue a.
If you are not used to long nails, cut them back a little in order to avoid
knocks and the falling off of the nail tips o.
Matching a nail set
Carefully fi le the transitions from the artifi cial nails o to the natural nails with
the Sand sheet fi le i until they conform to the contour of the natural nail. File
only the nail tips o! Do not damage your natural nail.
Carefullly fi le the sides of the nail with the Sand sheet fi le i until it is straight
and does not exhibit a "wing".
Repeat this step for each individual nail.
Remove the sanding dust with a paper towel.
SNS 45 A2