A: Automatic mode
Automatic mode provides operation at 70 seconds in air extraction and 70 seconds in air intake at average speed.
By pressing the "AUTO" button, the product executes the automatic control of the active sensors (twilight, hygrostat); in the
case of values beyond the set threshold, the product will extract the air from the room at maximum speed until the thresh-
old value is restored. In the case of several units, all the units go into AUTOMATIC mode.
The product is fi tted with a twilight sensor that when the light intensity falls reduces the operating speed to the minimum
to reduce the noise generated by the air.
Light pulse on activating the mode
Periodic light pulse (every 1 min.) active mode
Constant light pulse Beyond Threshold value
V: Speed selection
By pressing the "SPEED SELECTION" commands, the unit goes into manual mode enabling the desired speed to be defi ned,
keeping it working at 70 seconds in air extraction and 70 seconds in air intake. In the case of several units, all the units work
at the selected speed.
Attention: the sensors are not active in manual mode.
Light pulse on activation of speed 1
Light pulse on activation of speed 2
Light pulse on activation of speed 3
H: Selection of relative humidity threshold
It is possible to change the hygrostat trigger point threshold to adapt the value to the type of environment where it is in-
stalled. Once the relative humidity value set has been exceeded, the unit continuously extracts air at the maximum speed
until the relative humidity read returns to below the set value. In the case of several units, all the products extract air until
the set threshold is reached. The default set value is "Level H2", which corresponds to RH=55%.
Attention: when fi rst turned on the product executes the auto-calibration of the hygrostat. It is possible that during this phase
the "EXTRACTION" function will be activated to bring the room's humidity below the level required for this auto-calibration.
Light impulse on activation of the H1 value (RH: 40%)
Light impulse on activation of the H2 value (RH: 55%)
Light impulse on activation of the H3 value (RH: 70%)
F: Direction of airfl ow (function can be activated if there are at least 2 units or multiple coupled units)
By pressing the "DIRECTION OF AIRFLOW" button the units generate an airfl ow that provides intake only and extraction
only simultaneously for the desired time, always keeping the atmosphere balanced. According to the button pressed, the
air intake and extraction direction can be reversed.
Attention: ethe sensors are not active in this function.
Attention: the speed can be modifi ed through the V commands pressed previously to those F.
Light pulse on activating the mode
Periodic light pulse (every 1 min.) active mode
I : Air intake function
By pressing the "AIR INTAKE FUNCTION" the product intakes air. In the case of several units, all of them intake air simul-
taneously until another command is given by the user.
Attention: the sensors are not active in this function.
Light pulse on activating the mode
Periodic light pulse (every 1 min.) active mode
1 White
2 White
3 White
1 Red
2 Red
3 Red
2 Red / 3 seg. / 2 Red
1 Red / 3 seg. / 1 Red