• Please follow your local healthcare provider's recommendation regarding proper
disposal of used lancets.
• When performing a blood glucose test, use a new sterile lancet every time. If alcohol
wipes are used to cleanse the fingers, make sure the area is dry before the blood
sample is obtained.
Step 1.
Wash hands with soap and warm water and dry thoroughly. Warm water stimulates blood
flow to the fingers making it easier to obtain a sample.
Step 2.
Hang the arm down at the side for 10 to 15 seconds massaging through the wrist, palm,
and then finger. This can stimulate the blood flow to the finger more quickly.
Step 3.
Hold the lancing device or lancet against the side of the finger and lance the finger. Follow
manufacturer's instruction for how the lancing device or lancet should be used.
• To avoid soreness, select a site on the side of your fingertips. To avoid calluses, choose
a different site each time for obtaining the blood sample.