GE Profile CVM2750 Manual Del Propietário página 16

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

About the sensor microwave
Use only with prepackaged
microwave popcorn weighing
1.5to 3.5 ounces.
NOTE: Do not use this
feature twice in succession
on the same food portion--
it may result in severely
overcooked or burnt food.
Tousethe Popcornfeature:
H Followpackageinstructions, u singTimeCookif
the packageis lessthan 1.5ouncesor larger
than 3.5ounces.Placethe packageof popcorn
inthe center ofthe turntable.
Press the POPCORN button.Theovenstarts
tfyou openthe door whilePOPCORN SENSOR
isdisplayed, o n error message will appear.Closethe
door,pressCLEAR/OFF and beginagain.
tf foodis undercooked after the countdown,useTime
Cookfor additionalcookingtime.
How to Adjust the Automatic PopcornSetting to
Providea Shorteror LongerCook Time
tfyou find that the brandof popcornyou use
underpopsor overpopsconsistently, you can add or
subtract20-30 secondsto the automaticpopping
Withinthe first 30secondsafter the ovenstarts,turn
thedial counterclockwise, untila minus
('-") signappears, f or 20 secondslesscookingtime.
Press to enter.Turnagain,untiltwo minus("- -') signs
appear,to reducecookingtime another10 seconds
for a total of 30 seconds
lesstime.Press to enter.
Toadd time:
Withinthe first 30secondsafter the ovenstarts,turn
thedial clockwise, u ntila plus('+")signappears, f or
an extra 20 secondscookingtime.Press to enter.
Turnagain,untiltwo plus('++')signsappear,to
add another10secondsfor a total of 30 seconds
additional t ime.Press to enter.
NOTE: Do not use this
feature twice in succession
on the same food portion--
it may result in severely
overcooked or burnt food.
TheReheat feature reheatsservingsof previously
cookedfoodsor a plateof leftovers.
Placethecup of liquidor covered
food in the oven.Press REHEAT once,twice,
threetimesor four times.Theovenstarts
Press oncefor a plateof leftovers.
Press twice for a pasta.
Press threetimesfor 1/2to 1 full cup.
Press four timesfor 1 to 2 full cups.
[] Theovensignalswhensteamis
sensedand thetime remainingbegins
Donotopen the ovendoor untiltime
iscountingdown.if the door isopened,
closeit and pressSTART/PAUSE immediately.
Afterremovingfoodfrom theoven,stir,if possible,
to evenout thetemperature. R eheated foodsmay
havewidevariationsin temperature. S omeareasof
foodmay be extremely hot.
tf foodis not hot enoughafter the countdownuse
TimeCookfor additionalreheatingtime.
SomeFoodsNot Recommended for Use
With Reheat
tt is bestto useTimeCook for thesefoods:
Foods that must be reheateduncovered.
Foods that needto be stirredor rotated.
Foodscallingfor a dry lookor crispsurfaceoffer
How to Adjust the Oven'sAutomatic
Settingsfor a Shorteror Longer Time
Tosubtract10%from theautomatic
Withinthe first 30 secondsafter the ovenstarts,turn
thedial counterclockwise, untila minus('-") sign
appears, a nd pressto enter.
Toadd 10% to theautomaticcookingtime:
Withinthe first 30secondsafter the ovenstarts,turn
thedial clockwise, u ntila plus('+")signappears, a nd
pressto enter.