Creating a new e-mail account
1. Select Add new from the E-mail account menu
2. By moving the cursor to a desired item, you can
edit the item to create an e-mail account.
3. Move the cursor to the Title field and enter a title.
4. Move the cursor to the User name field and enter
the user name of the e-mail account.
5. Move the cursor to the Password field and
configure e-mail account password.
6. Move the cursor to the E-mail address field and
configure the e-mail address for outgoing mail.
7. Move the cursor to the Reply e-mail address field
and configure the e-mail address to reply to your
8. Move the cursor to the Outgoing mail server field
and configure the outgoing e-mail server.
9. Move the cursor to the Incoming mail server field
and configure the incoming e-mail server.
10. Move the cursor to the SMTP port number field
and configure the mail server port number. In
general, the SMTP(Outgoing mail server port
number) is 25.
1 1. Move the cursor to the Incoming server port field
and configure the mail server port number. In
general, the incoming mail server port number is
1 10(POP3) or 143(IMAP4).
12. Move the cursor to Maximum receive size and
configure the maximum e-mail size. The
permissible maximum receive size is no more than
13. Move the cursor to the Mailbox type and select
the email inbox type. You can select one between
POP3 and IMAP4.
14. Move the cursor to Save to server and determine
whether to leave a copy of messages on the
incoming server or not. You can select On or Off
using the List key.
15. Move the cursor to the Save sent mail into field
and select where to save the sent mails.