Notice regarding software that uses the GNU GPL
List of packages
GNU GPLv2: linux kernel
GNU LGPLv2.1: DirectFB
About the licensing of software used in this product
The software included in this product is comprised of multiple discrete software applications, and the copyrights of each of these belong
to various third parties.
This product includes software covered by end-user license agreements (hereafter, "EULA") stipulated by third parties.
Among these is the GNU General Public License (hereafter, "GPL") for free executable software applications. As a condition for the
distribution of software covered by the GPL, the source code for such software must be made available. If you wish to obtain the source
code for such software, you may do so by accessing the following URL and filling out a registration form.
Home page address
Please understand that we are unable to respond to questions about the source code contents and similar matters.
Source code will not be provided for software covered by EULAs other than the GPL.
Software distributed in accordance with the GPL allows customers to use it without charge, but, to the extent of applicable laws, no
explicit or implicit guarantees are provided for such software.
With the exceptions of provisions of applicable laws and written agreements, the copyright holders and those who change and
redistribute such software with the permission described above will bear no responsibility for any loss caused by the use of or the
inability to use such software. Please read the GPL for details about, for example, conditions for use and provisions that must be followed
regarding such software.
For details about use requirements for the covered software modules and other matters, from the Home Screen, open Settings > General
Settings > System > Copyrights, and read the various software user license agreements. (The original texts are presented because these
are rules from third parties, not from TEAC.)