Figure 2 – Installation Configuration.
Oil Return
All the systems must be engineered in such a way that, in any case, the oil return to the compressor is ensured. In the situation
demonstrated in Figure 3, with the condensing unit positioned above the evaporator, it is important to arrange for syphons on the
suction line every 2 m of height difference, to guarantee the oil return to the compressor. In any case, when there are horizontal
segments, it is important that the suction piping have a slope of at least 3% toward the compressor
Figure 3 – Modes for the positioning of the condenser – evaporator.
Adding Oil
In the majority of installations where all the ducts do not exceed 10 meters, it isn't necessary to add oil. Where the ducts are
oversized with respect to the normal conditions or they exceed 10 meters, a small quantity of oil must be added.
The performance of the correct vacuum on the system is of vital importance to the proper functioning of the refrigerant machine
and to the endurance of the compressor, so that the air content and especially the humidity are maintained below the allowed
values. The introduction of new gases has required the use of new polyester –type oils, having high hygroscopicity characteristics
that require greater attention during the performance of the vacuum; it is advisable to perform the vacuum on both sides of the
circuit. In any case, the target to be reached is the obtainment of a pressure not greater than 5 Pa.
WSH-WTH Pag. 44
REV. 01 04/14