Craftsman 351.221140 Manual Del Propietário página 8

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Anti-Kickback Fingers- Asafetydevice attached to
the bladeguard andsplitter a ssembly d esigned to stop
a workpiece f rombeingthrown backduringa cutting
Arbor- Theshafton which thebladeor accessory c ut-
ting-tool i s mounted.
BevelCut- Theoperation of making anycutwiththe
Compound Cut- Theoperation of making botha
bevel a nda mitercutatonetime.
Kickback- Whentheworkpiece is thrown back
towards theoperator d uringa cutting operation when
the workpiece i nitially contacts thebladeor if thework-
piecepinches the blade. K ickback i s dangerous a nd
canresultin serious injury.
MiterCut- Theoperation of making a cutusing the
PushStick- Anaccessory d evice thatcanbemadeor
purchased t o helppushthe workpiece t hrough the
blade.Apushstickis usedto keeptheoperator's
hands awayfromthe bladewhenripping a narrow
Crosscut- Theoperation ofmaking a cutacrossthe
grainor widthof a workpiece.
Dado- Anon-through c utthatproduces a square
notch.Adadoistypically from1/8-in. t o 13/16-in. wide.
Adadorequires a special s etofblades, n otincluded
Featherboard - Anaccessory d evice thatcanbe made
or purchased t o helpguideor holddowna workpiece
duringcutting operations.
Freehand - Averydangerous o peration of making a
cutwithout u singthefenceor mitergaugeina cutting
operation. F reehand c utsmustneverbeperformed o n
a Table Saw.
Gum,Pitchor Resin- A sticky, s apbasedresidue that
comes fromwoodproducts.
Heel- Themisalignment ofthebladeto themiterslots;
whenthebladeis notparallel to the miterslots.
Kerf- Thematerial r emoved f romtheworkpiece bythe
Rabbet - Asquare notchintheedgeofthe workpiece.
Resaw - Theoperation of making a cutto reduce the
thickness oftheworkpiece.
RipCut- Theoperation of making a cutwiththe grain
or down the length oftheworkpiece.
SawBladePath- Theareathatis directly in linewith
the blade, i ncluding areaover,under, b ehind andin
frontof it.
Setof the SawBlade- Thedistance thatthetipsof
the sawbladeareangled outwards f romthethickness
oftheblade.Thesetofthe sawbladeteethallowsfor
the bladebodyto passsafely through allcuts.
Table/Work A rea- Thetotalsurface of thetop ofthe
tablesawonwhichtheworkpiece restswhileset-upor
cutting operations a rebeingperformed.
ThroughSawing- Theprocess o f cuttinginwhich the
bladecutscompletely through the workpiece.