Improper handling of oils can be hazardous
Oils (chain spray / hydraulic oil) are flammable and poisonous.
Dispose of used oils in accordance with regulations. Store used oil safely until it can
be disposed of in accordance with regulations.
Do not spill oil.
Spilled oils must be removed immediately with an appropriate bonding agent.
The mixture consisting of the bonding agent and oil must be disposed of in
accordance with regulations.
Observe national regulations when handling oils.
Wear safety gloves when handling oils.
Prevent oil from coming into contact with hot motor parts.
Do not smoke when handling oil.
Avoid contact and digestion. If you swallow oil do not induce vomiting but seek
medical assistance immediately.
Seek fresh air after breathing in oil fumes or vapours.
If oil has come into contact with your skin, rinse your skin with water.
If oil has come into contact with your eyes, rinse them with water and seek medical
assistance immediately.
Replace oil-soaked clothing and shoes immediately.
Consumables and used parts are an environmental hazard
Used parts and consumables must be disposed of in accordance with the applicable
environmental-protection regulations. Oil changes should be carried out by the
manufacturer's customer service department, whose staff are specially trained for
this task.
Note the safety regulations when handling these materials.