Craftsman 247.776360 Manual De Instrucciones página 9

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Yardwastesuchas leavesand pine needlescan be placedin the
hopperfor shredding,After materialhas beenprocessedby the shred-
der blade and flails,it will be forced outof thechute deflector,and,if
attached,intoa debriscollectionbag,
Observethe followingguidelineswhenshreddingyarddebris:
1, Neverattemptto shredmaterialotherthan normalyard debris
(leaves,twigs, pinecones,etc,),
2, Avoidshreddingfibrous plantssuch as tomatovines untilthey are
thoroughlydriedout, Freshvinesdo not shredwell and tendto
wrapthemselvesaroundthe impellerand flails,
3, Race reasonableamountsof debrisintothe hopperat a time, Do
not overloadthe hopper,
4, Allowthe materialin the hopperto be drawnintothe bladesand
shreddedbeforeaddingadditionaldebristo the hopper,Failureto
due so may resultin a cloggedhopper,cloggedchute deflectoror a
5, Avoidplacingtwigs longerthan24 inches intothe hopper,Twigs
longerthan 24 inchesmay resultin a cloggedhopper,
6, Neverplacebrancheswith a diametergreaterthan 1/2-inchin
the hopper,Doingso can result in seriousdamageto the unit's
shredderblade,flails or impeller,
C_earing the Hopper
Shouldthe hopperbecomedogged with debrisduringoperation,
proceedas follows:
1, Graspthe handlewith bothhandsand gentlyagitatethe chipper
shredderto help loosendebris,drawingit intothe impeller,
if thedog doesnot clear,proceedas follows:
1, Stopengine,
2, Use yourhandsto removeany debrisfoundnearthe top of the
3, Use a branch(or otheravailabledevice,i,e, broomstick)to dislodge
debrislocatedtowardthe baseof the hopper,
4, Restartengine,
NOTE:if you'reunableto pull the starterrope as a resultof accumu-
lateddebrisnear the impeller,followinstructionsunderthe heading
Cleaning the Reduction Chamber in the "Maintaining YourChipper
Shredder"sectionof this manual,
WARNING:Never operate the chipper shredder
without chipper chute lowered into the operating
Branchesup to 2" in diametercan be fed intothe chipperchute,
Observethe followingguidelineswhenchippingbranches:
1, Keepbothhandsfirmlyon the branchas youfeed it intothe chipper
2, Neverfeed morethanone branchintothe chipperchuteat a time,
3, Neverfeed anythingotherthan branches(or wood)intothe chipper
4, Apply intermittentpressure(force,in short pulses)while feeding
larger(2-inchdiameter)branchesintothe chipperchute,to avoid
boggingor stallingthe engine,
IMPORTANT: N everfeed brancheswith a diametergreaterthan
two (2) inchesintothe chipperchute, Doingso can resultin serious
damagetoyour unit'schipperblades,flails or impeller,
NOTE:Forbest performance, a lwaysoperatethe unitwith sharp
chipperblades,If a noticeableloss in performanceis encountered
whilechippingbranches,the chipperbladesshouldbe replaced,
1, Stopengine,
2, Squeezethe lockingbuckle releasethe bag'sdrawstrapbefore
looseningit from the chutedeflector,See Figure7,
3, Emptythe bag and reattachto the chute deflectoropening,Referto
Figure 7