Bixpy, Bixpy Jet and the Bixpy Logo, Life Boosted brand are trademarks of Bixpy LLC. Copyright 2023®.
Registering your vessel
In certain municipalities, counties, states or countries it is required that you register motorized kayaks, SUPs
or canoes with your local licensing body. For example in many US states the state Department of Motor
Vehicles (DMV) or the Coast Guard will require you to register your motorized kayak as a motorized vessel.
Please be sure to take the necessary steps to comply with local laws and regulations that apply to your
vessel once motorized. In the US a good resource to find more information is For
the purposes of registration or exemption from registering in certain places please note that Bixpy Jets are
electric motors that produce less than 10 horse powers.
Product variation
Some of the products photographed may have slight differences from the products in the package both
cosmetically and functionally.
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