Getting into the measurement position
Either the left or right arm can be measured. However, when measurements
are taken using the right arm, it may be difficult to see the display.
* Since there may be blood pressure differences of around 10mmHg between the left and right arm, be sure to use
the same arm for all measurements.
* The product cannot be used while lying down. Please sit upright during use.
Place the main unit on a table or similar object so that the main unit is at
the same height as your heart.
* Differences in height will cause differences in blood pressure values.
If the heights of the chair and table are not suitable, you may have to lean forward. In this case, form a stable stack
of books or similar objects under the main unit to adjust the height of the main unit.
Sit next to the table as shown in the figure at left.
Slide your AFM through the measuring
Pull the main unit close to you so that you
do not have to lean to reach it.
e Remove your shirt or roll up your sleeve so that the
measuring section will be on your bare skin.
e If rolling up your sleeve causes pressure on your
arm or underarm, remove your shirt for
Be sure that the rolled-up sleeve does not get
inside the measuring section when taking
Place your elbow in the support.
e If it is difficult to find the elbow support, use your
other hand to locate it.
Stretch out your arm and sit straight.
e The unit will naturally pivot upwards up to 15° as
you place your hand on the table in a relaxed