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Bredastensvägen 8 | SE-331 44 Värnamo
This warranty agreement only applies to this product. For further information, please visit our
website www.separett.com
This product comes with a 5-year warranty
If the product is used in commercial operations, the warranty commitment applies for 1
year from the original delivery date
No warranty if the product has been used in any form of rental operations..
Statutory Rights
An additional warranty provided by us can never affect the statutory rights and claims that you
may exercise against us due to the contract if we failed to fulfil our part in the contract.
An additional warranty is defined as any commitment from us that gives you rights or claims,
beyond what is prescribed by law, in the event that we fail to fulfil our part in the contract.
Provided that the product has been installed, assembled, and used correctly in accordance
with its specifications, features, and usage area.
And that the error report contains the following:
The installation has been documented with photographic evidence All data mentioned in
the error report are correctly given
The delivery date is confirmed by a purchase receipt
Separett AB undertakes, in case of malfunction or damage to the product, except for cases speci-
fied in the manufacturer's responsibility points below, to replace the costs of labor and material,
provided that the repair is carried out by the manufacturer or an appointed authorized service
The buyer undertakes to report this to the seller or the manufacturer within a reasonable
time from the discovery of the malfunction or damage
The buyer must then, after contact with the service partner, arrange for transportation to
and from the service workshop or bear any costs and risks associated with this
For rectification of faults, the buyer must submit the product to the manufacturer or to a
service partner appointed by the manufacturer.
Rectification of a confirmed fault occurs within a reasonable time from when the buyer has
reported the fault and transported the product to the manufacturer or to a service partner
appointed by the manufacturer
What is considered a reasonable time depends, among other things, on the buyer's need
for the product, availability of spare parts and workshop capacity of the service partner If
warranty service is performed on site, all travel costs are borne by the customer as Separett
does not offer "on-site service"
Applies only if the manufacturer judge that a service technician is needed. You can easily replace most of the parts in
this product yourself.