blueBOX - Translation of the original instructions
The pump is running but no water is being
When I flush the toilet air bubbles rise up in-
side it
The tank tends to sag when liquid enters it
The level in the toilet drops when the pumps
are in operation
Leaks at the pipe entrance/exit points
After installation in the ground the tank shifts
or sinks
The system is noisy and vibrates
N.B. also check the guidelines provided in the electric pump manual
The pump is not primed
Vent pipe not fitted or insufficient
Incoming liquid too hot
Vent pipe not fitted or insufficient
Gaskets not fitted correctly
No plinth underneath tank or ground not firm
Pipelines not secured to the walls or pump un-
balanced by a foreign body.
Pump operating with cavitation
Prime the pump by lifting it and then putting it
back in place, filling the pump body with liquid
Install a vent pipe or check the one fitted
Lower the temperature of the liquid by mixing
it with cold water
Install a vent pipe or check the one fitted
Find the leak, check that the seal is fitted cor-
rectly and replace it if necessary
Remove the tank and install it correctly
Secure the pipelines to the walls with vibration
damping mounts and check that the pump is
not blocked by solids and is not working off its
characteristic curve
water solutions