How to operate the clamp
IPSC10 clamps are suitable for the positioning & seizing of steel plates, beams and constructions.
See illustrations 3 - 7 for part reference.
1. Place the clamp securely on the plate so that the jaw of the clamp rests on the plate (E) (3).
2. Close the clamp by turning the screw spindle (O) to the right with a tightening moment of
40 Nm. Make sure that the moving pivot (K) gets a good close grip on the surface (4-5).
3. Tension the cables or chains gently taut and put the load on gradually. Always prevent the load
from shocking!
4. As soon as the positioning is finished, the clamp must be fully free of load so that the shackle
(S) of the clamp can move freely. Open the clamp by turning the screw spindle (O) to the left.
The clamp can now be removed from the object (6-7).
5. The clamp may now be used again immediately or put away in opened position. This position
will protect the pivots from damage.
A reliable clamp, a secure basis for lifting
10 Year warranty preventive maintenance procedure:
Parts should be replaced only when they no longer meet our standards.
10 Year warranty repair procedure:
During every repair service the most critical parts, being pivot(s) will be replaced and, when neces-
sary, any rejected parts will be replaced.
Please consult www.thecrosbygroup.com/resources/crosbyip-10-year-guarantee for more infor-
mation on maintenance procedures.
Maintenance without 10 year warranty: Annually clamps are subjected to inspection* and parts will
be replaced only when they no longer meet our standards.
*CrosbyIP authorised repairer
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