.P. SELECTA s.a.
5 Control panel
The control panel allows function selection and shows the distiller alarms status.
Once the unit is plugged in, put it on, by pressing the main switch. The unit goes to
stand by status (ON).
Note: If main switch is pushed consecutively with an interval of less than 3 seconds,
the unit could start in abnormal mode. So wait for a few seconds to restart the unit.
5.1 The LCD Screen
The LCD screen shows information on depending of autoclave status:
Three states are defi ned:
Working state:
Menu state:
Ready to work state:
Message row 1:
Working state:
Menu state:
Ready to work state:
Message row 2:
Working state:
Menu state:
Ready to work state:
Message row 3:
Working state:
Menu state:
Ready to work state:
Message row 4
Shows key help information
5.2 Keypad
Some keys change their function according to the autoclave status.
Menu/ C
Working state:
Menu state:
Ready to work state:
5.3 OK
Menu state:
Start key.
5.5 Quick
Ready to work state:
Menu state:
5.6 STEP
Working state:
Menu state:
Autovía A-2 Km 585.1 Abrera 08630 (Barcelona) España
(It can be modifi ed without notice)
The autoclave is running a cycle.
User is browsing for the menus.
Cycle is selected, waiting "START" key.
Shows temperature and pressure data
Shows menu row or page layout name
Shows sterillzer cycle name
Shows pressure curve
Shows menu row
Shows selected cycle parameter
Shows pressure curve
Shows menu row
Shows selected cycle parameter
EXIT key.
CANCEL key. Back to previous menu.
ENTER key. Validation input.
Means OK (Next menu).
It will start sterilization cycle.
Sets "quick dry" on sterilization cycle.
It means down key.
Jumps to next step.
It means up key.
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