Once the piston is clear of the main pedal module,
simply pull it away from the steel rod and remove
the spring There are four springs included in
the box, two of which are already mounted on
the Clutch and Gas pedals Simply choose one of
the other springs and reverse the process:
Push the spring back over the steel rod and
then push the piston back onto the rod,
ensuring the spring is captured by the two locators
Then reinsert the piston back into its place,
reversing the process by which you lifted it out:
squeeze the piston using the pedal face / arm as
leverage and then lower it into place, ensuring that
the bottom of the piston is in the correct
orientation to locate securely
When you have relocated the piston in place,
try pressing the pedal a couple of times to ensure
that the movement is smooth and free of any noise
If you notice any noises as you press the pedal,
try rotating the spring slightly in place and press
the pedal Keep doing this until you hear no noises
11.4 kgf
6.9 kgf
8.3 kgf
3.9 kgf