No detergent sucked in
Water escapes from thermo- stat valve
* If the motor starts and does not restart during operation, wait 2-3 minutes before repeating the start-up procedure (overload cutout
has been tripped).
If the problem recurs more than once, contact your nearest Authorized Service Centre.
Solamente para propósito de Argentina:
Importa y distribuye: Black & Decker Argentina S.A.
Pacheco Trade Center
Colectora de Ruta Panamericana
Km. 32.0 El Talar de Pacheco
Partido de Tigre
Buenos Aires (B1618FBQ)
República de Argentina
CUIT: 33-65861596-9
Tel.: (011) 4726-4400
Importado por:
Black & Decker do Brasil Ltda.
Rod. BR 050, s/n°- Km 167
Dist. Industrial II
Uberaba ˆ MG ˆ Cep: 38064-750
CNPJ: 53.296.273/0001-91
Insc. Est.: 701.948.711.00-98
S.A.C.: 0800-703-4644
Adjustable nozzle on high pressure setting
Detergent too dense
High pressure hose extension being used
Deposits or restriction in detergent circuit
Water temperature inside pump head
has exceeded max. rated value stated on
Solamente para propósitos de Colombia
Importado por: Black & Decker de Colombia, S.A.
Carrera 85D # 51-65, Bodega 23
Complejo Logístico San Cayetano
Bogotá - Colombia
Tel.: 744-7100
Solamente para propósito de Chile:
Importado por: Black & Decker de Chile, S.A.
Av. Pdte. Eduardo Frei M. 6001-67
Conchalí - Santiago de Chile
Tel.: (56-2) 2687 1700
Hecho en China
Fabricado na China
Made in China
set nozzle
Dilute with water
Fit original hose
Flush with clean water and eliminate
any restrictions. If the problem persists,
contact an Authorized service Centre
With appliance in operation, do not stop the
water jet for more than 5 minutes at a time
Solamente para propósito de México:
Importado por: Black and Decker S.A de C.V.
Antonio Dovali Jaime #70 Torre B Piso 9
Col. Santa Fé
Delegación Alvaro Obregón
Ciudad de México, México.
C.P 01210
Tel: (52) 55 53267100
Importado por:
Black & Decker del Perú S.A.
Av. Circunvalación del Club Golf
Los Incas N° 152 - 154, Lote 4,
Oficinas 601 – 602
Urb. Club Golf Los Incas - Santiago de Surco
Lima – Perú
Tel.: (511) 614-4242
RUC 20266596805