Hitachi Koki D 10VH Manual De Instrucciones página 7

Idiomas disponibles

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14. Keep motor air vent clean.
The tool's m otor air vent m ust be kept clean so that air can freely flow at all tim es.
Check for dust build-up frequently.
15. Operate pow er tools at the rated voltage.
Operate the pow er tool at voltages specified on its nam eplate.
If using the pow er tool at a higher voltage than the rated voltage, it w ill result in
abnorm ally fast m otor revolution and m ay dam age the unit and the m otor m ay burn
16. NEVER use a tool w hich is defective or operating abnormally.
If the tool appears to be operating unusually, m aking strange noises, or otherw ise
appears defective, stop using it im m ediately and arrange for repairs by a Hitachi
authorized service center.
17. NEVER leave tool running unattended. Turn pow er off.
Don't leave tool until it com es to a com plete stop.
18. Carefully handle pow er tools.
Should a pow er tool be dropped or struck against hard m aterials inadvertently, it m ay
be deform ed, cracked, or dam aged.
19. Do not w ipe plastic parts w ith solvent.
Solvents such as gasoline, thinner benzine, carbon tetrachloride, and alcohol m ay
dam age and crack plastic parts. Do not w ipe them w ith such solvents.
Wipe plastic parts w ith a soft cloth lightly dam pened w ith soapy w ater and dry
20. ALWAYS w ear eye protection that m eets the requirem ent of the latest revision of ANSI
21. ALW AYS b e car ef u l w i t h b u r i ed o b j ect su ch as an u n d er g r o u n d w i r i n g .
Touching these active w iring or electric cable w ith this tool, you m ay receive an electric
Confirm if there are any buried object such as electric cable w ithin the w all, floor or
ceiling w here you are going tos operate here after.
22. Definitions for sym bols used on this tool
V ............ volts
Hz .......... hertz
A ............ am peres
.......... no load speed
W ........... w att
........... Class II Construction
---/m in ... revolutions per m inute
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