This device may not be suitable for Activity Level 1.
Activity Level 1
Has the ability or potential to use a prosthesis for transfers or ambulation on level surfaces at fixed
cadence. Typical of the limited and unlimited household ambulator.
Clinical Benefits
Microprocessor controlled swing device (IP) proven to:
• Increase stability and mobility on slopes and stairs, compared to non microprocessor-
controlled knees
• Reduce energy expenditure and cognitive demand, compared to non microprocessor-
controlled knees
• Make walking easier at different speeds, compared to non microprocessor-controlled knees
2 Safety Information
This warning symbol highlights important safety information which must be
followed carefully.
Beware of finger trap hazard all times.
Any changes in the performance or
function of the limb e.g. instability,
double-action, restricted movement,
non-smooth motion or unusual noises
should be immediately reported to your
service provider.
Always use a hand rail when descending
stairs and at any other time if available.
Any excessive changes in the heel
height after finalization of alignment
may adversely affect limb function.
Ensure only suitably retrofitted vehicles
are used when driving. All persons are
required to observe their respective
driving laws when operating motor
Care should be taken when carrying
heavy loads as this may adversely affect
the stability of the device.
The user should be advised to contact
their practitioner if their condition
Avoid exposure to extreme heat and/
or cold.
Assembly, maintenance and repair of
the device must only be carried out by a
suitably qualified clinician.
The user must not adjust or tamper with
the setup of
The device is not intended for use
when immersed in water or as a
shower prosthesis. If the limb comes
into contact with water wipe dry
Avoid strong magnetic fields, sources
of electrical interference, atmospheres
containing liquids and/or powders.
Contact your service provider for
the device
advice if
a pacemaker or any other electronic
medical device.
the device
is to be used with