Power supply
Current in standby:
Maximum current
Antiapertura / Anti-opening / Autoprotection
Cover / Housing / Boiter
Times for Generation/Transmission of alarm signal
Times for detection/generation anomalies
Priority signalling inputs
Resistance for balancing inputs
Type GSM interface
Dimensioni / Dimensions
Certified environmental conditions
Meets the requirements:
Conforme ai requisiti:
CEI EN 50136 -1-1
CEI EN 50136 - 2 -1 + A1
Grade 2
Class 2
The installation must be carried out to state of the art by specialized personnel.
AMC Elettronica S.r.l. rejects any responsibility in the case that the product is tampered with by unauthorized persons.
We recommend that you check that the alarm system functions properly at least once a month; however, a reliable electronic alarm system
does not prevent break-ins, thefts, fires, or other, but only decreases the risk that these situations occur.
The telephone alert with GSM technology that do not use PSTN telephone lines cannot be guaranteed in the case of limitations and/or
problems due to faultiness in the service offered by the network provider.
+/- 0.7 Vcc
tra 1 e 8 sec.
inputs : 1 sec.
led / display : 1 sec.
Outputs GSM failure: ~ 60 sec.
Chronological Order
1000 ohm
Pubblic Interface
H=30 cm x L=26 cm x P= 7,5 cm
between +5°C to +40°C
VOXOUT v. 1.2