Variable Shade Control
The shade can be adjusted from shade 7 to 13 based upon welding process or ap-
plication (refer to Shade selection chart on page 6). The variable shade control
knob is mounted on the exterior of the helmet shell. Grind mode can be selected
by rotating the shade control knob counterclockwise till an audible click is heard.
Grind mode is intended for grinding only not for welding.
Sensitivity Knob
You can adjust the light sensor by turning the Sensitivity knob to the left or right as
shown in figure below. Generally, turning the knob all the way to the right, or the high-
est setting, is selected for normal use. When the helmet is used in the presence of
excess ambient light or with another welding machine close by, improved helmet per-
formance can be obtained with a lower setting turning the knob to the left to reduce
the sensitivity.
Delay Time Knob
This control is designed to protect the welder's eyes from the strong residual rays
after welding. Changing the Delay Time knob will vary dark to light time between
.1 second (minimum) to 1.0 second (maximum). Turning the Delay Time knob to
the left is maximum (1.0 second). This setting is recommended for high amperage
applications where the weld puddle is still very bright after the welding arc has
ceased and for situations where the filter may be temporarily blocked from seeing
the welding arc.
This ADF cartridge is powered by replaceable batteries and solar power. Battery
installation is required prior to use. The batteries are located at the top of the ADF
cartridge. Replace batteries when LOW BATTERY light is lit. See the specification
chart on page 3 for type of batteries required.
CAN/CSA Z94.3 /
Variable shade
control Knob