- The disinfectant will quickly dissipate.
- The equipment of the Spa become rusty.
- The water can start causing skin irritations to bathers.
- Scale may appear on the acrylic and equipment.
- The water may become cloudy.
Check the pH of the Spa water daily using the pH test set. (not supplied)
If the pH is above the indexes, use pH MINOR SPA. Wait for two hours and re-do the pH
If the pH is below indexes, use pH MAJOR SPA. Wait for two hours and re-do the pH test.
When the pH index has been adjusted to the values indicated above, proceed to the next
Disinfection of the water is of utmost importance in order to destroy algae, bacteria and
organisms that could develop in the water. However, excessive disinfection could cause
skin and eye irritation.
BROMIDE TABLETS are a suitable disinfectant for the Spa water. This product is placed in
Check the residual bromide level daily using the Br analyser set.
The recommended level of residual bromide is between 2.2 and 3.3 ppm.
Apart from products to maintain the pH and disinfectant level, there are other products
formulated especially for use in Spas that will help you to maintain the water and
installation in perfect condition.
• PA-ANTI-CALCAREOUS: This prevents the precipitation of calcium salts (scale),
particularly in hard water. This product should be added weekly and whenever the water
is renewed.
• SPA-ALGAECIDE: This algaecide prevents algae from growing in the Spa water. This
product is added weekly and whenever the water is renewed.
• SPA-ANTIFOAM: Foam is often formed owing to the agitation of the water and grease