Your Clean-O-Matic cover is equipped with a two-way gas spring(FIGURE 1 (C)) that also incorporates
a fusible link (FIGURE 1 (B)). When open, the cover mechanism supports the cover at a slightly forward
angle. This angle is necessary to assure the cover's fusible link will operate in the unlikely event of fire
in the tank. In the event of a fire, the fusible link will melt at 165°F permitting the lid to slam shut,
reducing oxygen supply to the fire.
Never leave the Clean-O-Matic unattended with parts in the tank which would prevent the cover from
closing completely in the event of a fire. Always make sure that the cover remains in its correct, slightly
tilted forward position when open. Do NOT tamper with or remove the fusible safety link. If the safety
link breaks or is lost, replace immediately. Keep the cover closed when the unit is not being used.
Work Shelves
Every Clean-O-Matic comes equipped with one perforated shelf (FIGURE 1 (D)) and two telescoping
shelves(FIGURE 1 (E)) which serve as a freeboard barrier to help limit VOC emissions. Your own
cleaning needs will determine which position is best for your operation.
Sludge Collector Trays (Optional Accessory)
Two or more "sludge trays" with side foam filters are located at the bottom of the tank. These trays
collect the heavier contamination produced by cleaning. To extend the life of the cleaning fluid, gently
lift out the trays after heavier materials have settled overnight. Remove and properly dispose of any
contaminants found in the trays. Replace the sludge trays and commence operation. Regular cleaning
of the sludge trays will maximize cleaning fluid life and result in a more efficient cleaning operation.
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