Register 55: RH [only read].
The value that is sent is the relative humidity value (0.0% to 100.0%) multiplied by 10 In binary 16 bits.
0,0% 0x0000
100,0% 0x03E8
Relative humidity sensor integrated in the regulator.
Register 56: firmware version [only read].
The value that is sent is the value of the regulator software version (XX.X) multiplied by 10 In binary
16 bits.
Note: When the regulator is powered up, or after a reset, it shows the firmware version (v X.X) on the
End of line resistance setting.
EOL resistor (JP6 pin block)
Jumper in place NR
Jumper in place R
End-of-line resistor NOT CONNECTED
End-of-line resistor CONNECTED