De ar Cus tome r.
Ple as e r e ad this us e r m anual car e fully be for e us ing your cur ling br us h, paying par ticular
attention to the s afety notes on this and the following page! Keep the us er m anual s afe for
future reference and als o to pas s on to any s ubs equent owner.
1. Rear Cover, 2. Main Switch Cover, 3. Hous ing(L/R), 4. Revolve Switch Cover, 5. Front Cover
6. Changing Acces s ories
Hot Air Style r 1000W
Introducing you a new with heated vents for m axim um s tyling.
By you will get fas ter, better res ults than s tyling your hair with a brus h, dryer, s traightener and
curling iron. All the s tyle without the damage! That's why you can get s leek, s hiny and s ilky hair
for s traight looks or texture?volum e and bounce for curls or flips and bobs every tim e you us e
The unique polis hing pads help to s m ooth rough edged hair follices . The s pecially des igned
brus h rotates nearly 100 times per minute giving your hair the finis hed touch like you get from
the stylist. But, best of all, the ROTATING HOT AIR BRUSH has an improved anti-tangling system,
ens uring it will never tangle?
even the thickes t curlies t hair. It's s o unique, it's patented.
Changing Acce s s orie s
Ins ert
Exchange Acces s ories
- Ope ration me thod: A hold hos t, another hand holding the parts , fittings of s ym bols on the
triangle on the right of the hos t come forward to cover, and then ins ert gap with rotating parts ,
until turn not m ove s o far, s uch fittings is s ecured. When change counterclockwis e until the
turn not to m ove acces s ories s o far up your acces s ories , pull out.
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