Operating Instructions
Qualified Personnel
are persons familiar with the insallation, assembly, commisioning and operation of
the product and who have the appropriate qualifications for their activities such as:
training or instruction or authorization to operate and maintain devices/systems
according to the standard of safety technology for elecrical circuits, high pres-
sures and corrosive as well as hazardous media.
for devices with explosion protection: training or instruction or authorization to be
allowed to work on electrical circuits for potentially explosive systems.
training or instruction according to the standards of safety engineering in the care
and use of suitable safety equipment.
Modules which are sensitive to electrostatic charge may be destroyed by voltages
which are far below the human level of perception. These voltages occur already
when you touch a component or electrical connections of a module without first
discharging yourself electrostatically. The damage incurred by a module as a
result of an overvoltage is not usually immediately perceptible but only becomes
noticeable after a long time in operation. Therefore, a suitable equipotential bond-
ing must be guaranteed when repairing the device.
SIMATIC®, SIPART®, SIREC®, SITRANS® are registered trademarks of Siemens
Third parties using for their own purpoes any other names in these instructions which
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