PEFC MARGHERITA V 2020 18 Manual De Instrucciones página 4

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  • ESPAÑOL, página 9
Generai information about assembly of log cabins
Dear Customer,
Congrarulations on your purchase. Wlthin these assembly lnstrucm and
accompan�ng drawlngs we descd>e how to assemble your log cab�, s1ep
by step.
Yoo purchased a durable wood prowct t'lat you will enj o y lor years to come.
For besi results we bring 1he lollowr,g points to your attention.
- The pallet contents should be checked wlthin 14 days of receip1 and prior
1o assembly.
- Outdoor Li f e G r oup Nederland B.V. cannot be held responsl>le lor any
addltional cos1s due lo negligent or insufficient check prior 10 asserrbly.
- Unpack the wood ti.o days prior to assembly so it can adjust lo the areas
humldlfy level.
- Take ollthe loil and place the plan<Sand beams apartfrom each o1her in a
piace where they are noi exposeo lo sun and rain.
- Check against the included packilg Hst lo ensure thai all parts are present.
- lt is important to restack the log cabin parts i assembly is noi or cannot be
carried out immedialely arai lo CO'ler it v.i1h the loil thal served as pro1ection
lor 1he pallet so 1hat they are not ell!)osed lo sun and rain
- Do n ot store t he package in a heated room
In case o! home deliveries
Tue log cabin is delivered on a pale! packed in foil. The delivery address must
be accessible 1or lorries with a permssible total weight o! 38 t o n nes
Receipt al goods:
Belore you sign the delivery manifest ol 1he carrier, you should check 1he
1. Do the delails on 1he del�ery manilest correspond v1ith your order'1
2. ls t'le log cabin delivered on a pal e t packed in loil?
3. 1s any damage visible on the ou1side
ti any of the above checks a re no! satisfacto ry, this should be marked on 1he
manilest and endorsed by the carier belare you sign lor the deflvery.
We take great care in production and packaging in order lo deliver a quality
produci. Il can, however, happen tlla1 lhe delivered goods are noi salislacory.
H any pMs are mlsslng or are d!miged In such a way so as t'ley coonot be
used, this should be reported in wri'ing or by e-mail or fax to Oli' cus1omer
seivioe desk wlthin 14 days.
Alter Sa l es
Should you have a complaint, there is an "Alter Sales form" inckJded il 1he
pad<age. Read the instructions on this form carelul� and fili il il wilh 1he
lollowing information:
• Order number: thls is the number under 'M'lich the order ls regislered and
processed by us. You can find tis number on the sticker on the pad<age
and on tM delivery manifest.
- Production number: this is a mrnòer used lor t'le series producl i o n s; l star1s
wl h the two letters CN or PN. You 1\111 find the number on the stid<er of 1he
package and/or slamped on tie !1$embly inslruciion bookfel
- Your name, address and teleph<r,e number
- The article number(s) o! the part(s) concerned viith a report o! the �aint.
You can faxthis completed cornplai1t form togetherv.i1h 1he delivery note
1o the fax number below:
01 course you can al so contaci your dealer.
We will process YO!I complaint carefully and send replacement parts as
soon as possible. Compfain1s concerning ma1erials thai have been painted
cannot be a.o:::epted.
· Follow lhe asserrt>ly instruclions
drawings carel\Jy.
- Il is important to have a founda1ion lor the cabin.
You can c hoose bebveen
• A foundation wilh ring jois1s
• Concrete 1iles
• A concre1e foundaloo beam or a concrete 11 oor
• The junction bel'lleen lounda1ion and log cabin can be �ed wlth silioone.
- Provide sufticien1 verdation in your log cabin.
Uselu l tips
- Ensurn 1hat the base oo which lhe log cabin is p�oed is finn and level.
- Ensure 1hat 1he louldation and floor joists are placed several centimetres
above ground l evel
• Make sure the log cooil is anchored lo the base or lotl'odalion.
- Remember lo insll'e y<,Jr log cabin.
- Provide sufticien1 verdaHon in your log cabin.
• Lubricate the lock once a year wlth graphite pmvder.
- Use soap lo dm lhe acrylic glass. Never use an abrasive.
- The plastic loil can be used as a damp proof separatilg layer betv1een
foundation and the l og cab in.
- During unpacking o1 the pallet, you musl separate the jois1s and v1all
logs prior to litt� lhem up in arder lo prevent damage to the langue and
- Prior to the assem!My of the log cabin, you have to treat the 1ongue and
groO'/e of the wall pals as viell as 1he floor and roofilg parts viith a moisture
resislant stain. You can use the same slain for protecti>n o1 1he wood o1
the entire log cabi1 aler assembly. Repeating this treatment regular� llill
s ignilicanw pro l o ng te life o f your log cabin.
• Depending on the locai condi1ions, lt is besi you treat the inside of 1he log
cab in and t'le
at least every lhree years with a moisture resislanl stain
thai ls sultable
ildoor and outdoor use. For rmre rtormatlon contact
your supplier.
Wood is a natural iving produci. This means 1hat every piece of wood has a
dilferent slrucrure and pattern. Il is quite normai that deviaions can appear in
wood; th� Q'-'es w ood ls na1ural c h arm.
Tolerable devialions:
- Knots grown into the wood
• Knots falling out wilh a maximum diameter of 4 cm
- Sha11ngs, tree bark oo tie backside of roof and floor jasts, provided tha1 the
visible side can be assembled.
• Discolorations (these do not a f fect t he life span)
• C racks thai do not affect the cons1ruc1ion
- Resin pouches
- Warping and llv�. provided i1 does not affec1 the assemb�
• Finger joints in skfewalis as well as doors and viindows.
5 year guarantee, exdudng hlnges and k l cks.
Noi covered by the g.uantee are delects resulting front
- A faully loundation
• A foundation t h at is n ot l eve l
• Non-observance of the assembly instructions
- lnsulficient maintenaice and use of a non-moislure resislant painl
- Faulty, not competently laid or insuff t ient roofing materiai
• Joining viall logs, 1vilooN a n d door frames by scre w s o r n ai ls
- Damage as a resul of noi competently built up or alered inslallation
- The absence of and/or laulty attached roof anchoring (1his is always part
of t h e deivery)
- Nalll'al dsasters or other loroelul i niluenoes
- Wind speeds r,;er farce 7 on 1he Bea\Jort scale.
- Windows arai doors are noi offered as standard v.i1h real glass. tt 1his does
happen, llld any glass damage occurs, lhis cannot be claimed based on
1h e �;.,ery.
- Your log cabin has to be proper� lm'IDred against stormy weather
• lnstranCll o! your log cabln ls, as a nAe, not lncluded In a s1andard h ouse
or househofd polk:y. Il desired you can illSlJ'e your cabin against damages
!rom ou1side, including vandar�m and stormy weather. Contaci your insu­
rance agent about the possibilities.
• � i1struc1ions are induded lor any additional delivered acceS&Jl' i es
such as porch, flov1er box, shu1ters, arai addl:ions.
Im po rtanti Possib l e causes ol any occurmg prolblems.
A. Crad fonning in the walls:
Wood is aive and adjusts lo changing v,ealher conditions. In some areas
this sruaiCJl occurs to an extreme. In extremefy dry viea1her i1 can occur thai
a crack appears bel\/leen some ol the walt logs. Il 1his sltuation arises 'PJ
have lo act as follov1s:
Step 1: Rernove the uppermost part ol lhe doorframe on 1he inside of 1he ooor
in order 1o check il 1he beam undemealh is still leaning on the doorframe.
Il this is the case, follavi steps 2 througi 5. lf this is noi 1he case, contaci
Ouldoor Ue Group Nedertand B.V. or yo.x dealer.
Step 2: In order to remove a crack, unscrew the cr,;er cl the doorlrame on
the inskfe and remr,;e the door and the ill'TII!.
Step 3: Usilg a savi iricrease lhe door �ng al 1he top by .... cm (depen­
ding oo the size cl 1he crack, bui a1 most 1 cm).
Step 4: Il the crack is stili prese nl , sofdy tap wih a hammer on lhe rool abo v e
the cx.-ner pini (use a rubber hammer) llfit tlle v1all beams are back in thei
originai posiions.
Step 5: Rep tace door and win dows .
B. Roof boards bulglng:
Each roof board has lo be attached wl1h t.vo nails per Jolnt (slde wal� and roof
beams). Il o nfy one nail is used per joi� fle roof board will mr,;e obli�y
and l.l)'llillds.
C . Damage of tongue and groove
lt is possile 1hat 1he tongue and grooves .re partially damaged during trans­
portation. As long as the protection between tongue and groove is guaranteed
during assemb�, il does noi portray a reason to claim. Slight damage to tle
tongue and grcove does not aflect the stabity o! your cabin.
You wl lnd more inlormation conceming log cablns and other waod
products on our webpage . (www . ouldoodteproducts .com)