B. Cleaning
CAUTION: Washing upholstered components containing flame retardants, as indicated on
the labeling of the upholstery, may reduce the flame retardants' efficacy over time. This
may increase the risk of ignition when exposed to open flame or other ignition sources,
which may increase the risk of injury.
Axles, Wheels, Tires and Moving Parts:
1. Clean around the axles and wheels weekly with a damp rag.
2. Hair and lint will lodge in and around the caster housing and rear wheel axles. Remove with a
stiff brush or pick. Take care not to damage bearing seals.
Painted Surfaces
1. Hand wash using a cloth and mild detergent.
2. Dry using a clean cloth or allow wheelchair to air dry.
3. Nonabrasive wax may be used to help preserve painted surfaces.
1. Hand wash using a cloth and mild detergent.
2. Allow upholstery to air dry. DO NOT machine dry.
Plastic Components
1. Hand wash using a cloth and mild detergent.
2. Do not use solvents or aggressive cleaners as they may damage plastic components.
C. Storage
1. When not in use, keep your chair in a clean, dry area. Failure to do so may result in your chair
rusting and/or corroding.
2. If your chair has been in storage for more than two months, it should be serviced and
inspected by an authorized supplier before use.