After finishing work, dismount the clamping fixtures and
clean all clamping parts as well as the protective cover.
If the machine should fail despite the care taken in
manufacturing and testing procedures, repair should be
carried out by an after-sales service centre for STAYER
power tools.
5.1 Repair service
Our after-sales service responds to your questions
conceming maintenance and repair ofyour product as well
as spare parts. Exploded views and information on spare
parts can also be found under:
Our customer consultants answer your questions
conceming best buy, application and adjustment of
productsand accessories.
5.2 Warranty
Warranty card
lncluded in the documentation that accompanies this
equipment, you should find the warranty card. You should
fill out the card completely and retum to vendar with a copy
of purchasing receipt or invoice and you should receive a
Note: lf you cannot find the warranty card within the
documentation,youmust ask for it through your supplier.
The warranty is limited only to manufacturing defects and
expire if pieces have been removed or manipulated or
repaired otherthan themanufacturer.
5.3 Disposal and recycling
The machine, accessories and packaging should be
sorted for environmental-friendly recycling.
Only for EC countries:
Do not dispose of power tools into household waste!
According the European Guideline 2012/19/
UE for Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment and its implementation into national
right,power tools that are no longer usable
must be collected separately and disposed of
in an environmentally correct manner.
Subject to change wlthout notlce.
6. Regulations
6.1 Technical Data
= Power input
=No Load speed
= Disc Dimension
= Kerf width.
= Cutting depth.
= Protection class
= Weight
= Sound power level
= Sound pressure level
= Vibration
The values givenarevalid for nominalvoltages [U]230/240
V-50/60 Hz - 110/120 V - 60Hz. For lower voltage and
models for specific countries, these values can vary.
Please observe the article number on the type plata of
your machine.The trade names of the individual machines
may vary.
Noise/ Vibration lnformation
Measured sound values determined according to EN
60745. Typically the A-weighted noise levels of the product
are: Sound pressure level 97 dB(A); Sound power level
108 dB(A). Uncertainty K=3 dB.
Wear hearing protection!
Vibration total values (triax vector sum) determined
according to EN 60745: Vibration emission value a
, Uncertainty K =2.0 m/s
The vibration emission level given in this information sheet
has been measured in accordance with a standardised
test given in EN 60745 and may be used to compare
one tool with another. lt may be used for a preliminary
assessment of exposure.
The declared vibration emission level represents the
main applications of the tool. However if the tool is used
for different applications,with different accessories or
poorly maintained, the vibration emission may differ.
This may significantly increase the exposure leveloverthe
totalworking period.
An estimation of the levelof exposure to vibration should
also take into account the times when the tool is switched
off or when it is running but not actually doing the job. This
may significantly reduce theexposure level over the total
working period.
ldentify additional safety measures to protect the operator
from the effects of vibration such as: maintain the tool and
the accessories,keepthe hands warm, organisation of
work pattems.