1.The operator has not been suitably trained.
2.The mitre saw has not been installed suitably.
3.The mitre saw has not been maintained correctly.
4.The mitre saw has been disassembled and then been
assembled incorrectly.
5.The mitre saw has been disassembled and assembled
with parts lacking.
6.Operator does not use the protection as indicated.
7.Operator grasps the workpiece with his/her hand.
8.Operator exposes his/her hands, body or garment to the
cutting path.
The two main classes of risks entailed by the use of this
machine are contacts with the cutting disk and projections
of particles or cut pieces.
1.Contact with the cutting disk
Case of use 1.1: During the development of the cutting
Description of an accident of type 1.1.1: The
appearance of a nod in the wood leading to a change in
the resistance to penetration causes an abrupt jerk in the
workpiece and thus the possibility that the operators hand
is suddenly displaced towards the disk and contacts the
same if it remains accessible.
Description of an accident of type 1.1.2: This occurs
during headpiece cutting operations at workpieces having
a very short length being held manually. When the disk
penetrates into the workpiece, the latter may fall into the
disk's penetration slot of the cutting table and thus drag
the hand that holds the workpiece, making it enter into
contact with the disk if it remains accessible.
Case of use 1.2: Fortuitous contact with the disk when
turning without load in the resting position.
Description of an accident of type 1.2.1: It occurs
when working with a machine that has been manipulated
or lacking guards. Under these conditions the actuating
element remains locked such that the operator maintains
the disk rotating without load in the resting position and
with the disk being accessible. At the same time the
operator's hand enters into contact with the cutting disk
whilst carrying out operations in areas in the vicinity of the
disk (e.g. removing the cut workpiece, placing a new
workpiece on the table, etc.)
Case of use 1.3: Abrupt fall if the disk due to breakage of
the fastening spring in the resting position
Description of an accident of type 1.3.1: There occurs
the drop of the counterweight of the movable head
sustaining the cutting disk due to breakage of one or both
of the counterweight springs or of the anchoring thereof.
At the same time the disk remains rotating without load. At
the same time the operator has his/her hands under the
cutting path. Under these conditions the disk catches up
with the operator's hands that at that moment are carrying
out operations in that area.
2.Projection of the cut workpiece
Case of use 2.1: Abrupt fall if the disk due to breakage of
the fastening spring in the resting position.
Description of an accident of type 2.1: This risk appears
when operating on short workpieces with fixed stoppers.
After completing the cut and raising the disk, the remnant
wedged between the stopper and the disk may be dragged
thereby and projected violently, and in the worst case even
lead to a breakage of the disk.
15. Measure for preventing machine-specific
1.Preventing contacts with the cutting disk
1.1 Prevention during the development of the cutting
1.The operator must mandatorily be sufficiently trained and
instructed, and know the present manual in such a manner
that he/she is able to know if a machine or his/her working
environment are suspicious of not providing a perfect service.
Do not use the machine under these circumstances!
2.Revise any lack of guards or any other component of the
machine. Never use a machine that is not complete, not in a
perfect condition and not correctly installed. If the machine
has been manipulated, lacks pieces or is in a bad condition,
disconnect it, remove it from the working area, do not use it
and send it to the technical service.
3.Never put your hands or any other part of the body nor garment
upon or below the cutting area of the disk or within the cutting
path of the disk.
4.Fastening the workpiece to be cut shall not be carried out
manually but with the assistance of pushers, wedgers and
clamps warranting a firm fastening of the workpiece to be
cut under any circumstances (appearance of nods, etc.).
By putting this preventive measure into practice the risk
of contact with the disks during the development of the
operation is practically excluded as it allows hands to remain
distanced from the hazardous area.
5.Always disconnect the machine when leaving it alone.
6.The presence of one or more assistants will be required for
cutting workpieces being longer than 1.5 m.
1.2 Preventing fortuitous contacts with the disk rotating
without load in the resting position
Independently from that the disk, when resting, stays protected
by the safety guards as installed, it is categorically advised
against using the locking switch so as to guarantee that disk
does not rotate without load in the resting position thereof
1.3 Preventing abrupt falls of the disk due to breakage of
the spring
1.By means of a regular maintenance the machine will always
be in a perfect condition.
2.Check the area and the machine on each working day and
routinely test all movements visually with the machine
3.Check springs 32 and the bearings thereof on each working,
and have them checked periodically by qualified personnel.
4.Make sure that the head perfectly ascends to its upper position
by the sole action of springs 32.
5.Check the upper locking system on each working day by
raising the head up to abutment and checking locking and
unlocking by means of button 29, and have this periodically
checked by qualified personnel.