3.2.2. System
To access to a system control, press on
the system name in the navigation menu
. Once the system has been
selected in the navigation menu, all
zones associated with this system will be
The name of the selected system is
displayed at the top of the control panel.
If you want to modify the system name,
press on the name and introduce the
new one and the system parameters
The zones associated with the system
are displayed In the middle of the screen.
These windows represent the main
parameters of each zone allowing their
activation or deactivation. To this end,
press on the icon
Fig. 3
The control zone allows representing a maximum of 6 zones per screen.
Use the arrow keys
to browse through the system associated zones (Fig. 3).
In the event of any incident in any of the zones, a blinking warning icon
appears in the zone
Press the icon to see the activated alarms. The icon will disappear once the problem has been
3.2.3. Zone
Fig. 4