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BiTrac SE
MaxShield Select
Pediatric Mask
with Standard Elbow
22mm Female
Interchangeable Elbow
Single Patient Use
Federal Law (USA) restricts this device to sale
by or on the order of a licensed physician.
Pulmodyne Inc.
2055 Executive Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46241 USA
T: +1.317.246.5505
F: +1.317.246.5501
For more information regarding our trademarks
Intended Use
The BiTrac SE MaxShield Select™ mask is an accessory for use with CPAP or Bilevel systems for ventilatory support.
1) This device should not be used on uncooperative or unresponsive patients.
2) This device may not be suitable for use on patients taking medication which may cause vomiting, have nocturnal vomiting,
hiatal hernia or impaired cardiac sphincter function.
3) This mask may not be suitable for use on patients with the following conditions: glaucoma, recent eye surgery or dry eyes.
1. Use only with a ventilator equipped with adequate alarms and safety systems for ventilator failure. This mask
does not include an anti-asphyxia valve that would allow a patient to breathe if the ventilator failed.
2. This mask does not have an integral leak port; therefore a separate exhalation device must be part of the circuit.
Utilize the equipment manufacturer's recommended exhalation port in the designated circuit.
3. This device is not suitable for providing life support ventilation.
4. Any unusual chest discomfort, shortness of breath, stomach
distension, belching, severe headache, drying eyes, eye pain, eye
infections or blurred vision when receiving positive airway pressure or
upon awakening should be reported to the clinician.
5. To minimize risks of vomiting during sleep, avoid eating or drinking for
Latex Free
three (3) hours before use.
6. Make sure the mask and headgear are the correct size for the patient's
face. If excessive discomfort is experienced, adjust the mask and head
gear. If the discomfort continues, consider an alternative mask.
Acheiving the Proper Fit:
1. Use the size guide to measure the size of the patients face.
2. The inside cushion should rest above the eyebrow and directly below the
bottom lip. Refer to Figure 1.
3. When the correct size is acheived place the proper size mask on the patient.
4. Place mask on patients face, and pull the bonnet overhead.
5. Clip the mask into place and adjust the straps. Refer to Figure 2.
6. Continue with CPAP therapy per your protocols.
Use of Interchangeable Elbow Feature:
1. Remove the existing elbow from the mask by holding the adapter ring and twisting the elbow counter clockwise
Made in USA
to disengage the bayonet lock (Refer to Figure B.)
2. Gently pull the elbow from the mask. (Refer to Figure C.)
3. Gently press the desired Interchangeable Compatible Elbow into the mask adapter ring and turn clockwise until
fully seated. Do not use excessive force.
Fitting Guide References:
Figure 1
Bayonet Lock References:
Figure A.
Figure 2
Operating Specifications: 5°C to 40°C
at humidity range of 15% to 95%
Storage Specifications: -20°C to
60°C at reltive humidity up to 95% non-
Figure B.
Figure C.
Figure 1
Figure 2

Resumen de contenidos para Pulmodyne BiTrac SE MaxShield Select

  • Página 1 Intended Use BiTrac SE The BiTrac SE MaxShield Select™ mask is an accessory for use with CPAP or Bilevel systems for ventilatory support. MaxShield Select Contraindications 1) This device should not be used on uncooperative or unresponsive patients. 2) This device may not be suitable for use on patients taking medication which may cause vomiting, have nocturnal vomiting, hiatal hernia or impaired cardiac sphincter function.
  • Página 2 Verwendungszweck BiTrac SE MaxShield Die BiTrac SE MaxShield Select™ Maske ist ein Zubehörteil für die Verwendung mit CPAP- oder Bilevel-Systemen zur unterstützenden Beatmung. Select Kontraindikationen 1) Dieses Gerät sollte nicht bei Patienten verwendet werden, die unkooperativ sind oder kein Ansprechen zeigen.
  • Página 3 Tilsigtet anvendelse BiTrac SE BiTrac SE MaxShield Select™ masken er en tilbehørsdel, som bruges med CPAP- eller Bi-Level-systemer til respiratorsupport. MaxShield Select Kontraindikationer 1) Dette udstyr må ikke bruges på patienter, som ikke samarbejder eller som ikke responderer. 2) Udstyret er ikke egnet til brug på patienter, som tager medicin, der kan forårsage opkastning, som har natlige opkastninger, Pædiatrisk maske med...
  • Página 4 BiTrac SE MaxShield La mascarilla BiTrac SE MaxShield Select™ es un accesorio para usar con los sistemas de CPAP (Presión positiva continua en las vías respiratorias) o de dos niveles para ventilación respiratoria. Select Contraindicaciones 1) No utilice el dispositivo con pacientes inconscientes o no dispuestos a cooperar.
  • Página 5 Placer le masque sur le visage du patient et tirer le bonnet au-dessus de la tête. Positionner le masque et ajuster les sangles. Voir la Figure 2. Pour plus d'informations concernant nos marques Procéder à la thérapie CPAP selon vos protocoles. déposées, visitez : Fabriqué aux États-Unis Utilisation du raccord coudé interchangeable : 1. R etirer le raccord coudé existant sur le masque ; pour cela, tenir la bague de fixation et faire tourner le raccord coudé dans le sens des...
  • Página 6 Käyttötarkoitus BiTrac SE BiTrac SE MaxShield Select™ -maski on CPAP- tai kaksoispainejärjestelmien kanssa ventilaatiotukeen käytettävä lisävaruste. MaxShield Select Vasta-aiheet 1) Tätä laitetta ei tule käyttää yhteistyöhaluttomille tai reagoimattomille potilaille. 2) Tämä laite ei ehkä sovi käytettäväksi potilaille, jotka käyttävät mahdollisesti oksentelua aiheuttavaa lääkitystä tai Lasten maski joita vaivaa yöllinen oksentelu, palleatyrä...
  • Página 7 Προοριζόμενη χρήση BiTrac SE MaxShield Η μάσκα BiTrac SE MaxShield Select™ είναι ένα παρελκόμενο για χρήση με συστήματα CPAP ή Bilevel για αναπνευστική υποστήριξη. ΑΝΤΕΝΔΕΙΞΕΙΣ Select 1) Η συσκευή αυτή δεν πρέπει να χρησιμοποιείται σε μη συνεργάσιμους ασθενείς ή ασθενείς που δεν ανταποκρίνονται.
  • Página 8 Uso previsto BiTrac SE MaxShield La maschera BiTrac Se MaxShield Select™ è un accessorio da utilizzare con sistemi CPAP o Bilevel per il supporto ventilatorio. Controindicazioni Select 1) Il dispositivo non deve essere utilizzato in pazienti non collaboranti o non coscienti.
  • Página 9 Tiltenkt bruk BiTrac SE BiTrac SE MaxShield Select™-masken er et tilbehør for bruk sammen med CPAP eller totrinnssystemer for ventilasjonsstøtte. MaxShield Select Kontraindikasjoner 1) Denne enheten skal ikke brukes på motvillige eller passive pasienter. 2) Denne enheten egner seg kanskje ikke for bruk på pasienter som tar medisiner som kan fremkalle oppkast, som...
  • Página 10 Beoogd gebruik BiTrac SE MaxShield Het BiTrac SE MaxShield Select™-masker is een accessoire voor gebruik met CPAP- of Bilevel-systemen voor beademingsondersteuning. Select Contra-indicaties 1) Dit hulpmiddel mag niet worden gebruikt bij patiënten die niet meewerken of niet reageren. 2) Dit hulpmiddel kan ongeschikt zijn voor gebruik bij patiënten die geneesmiddelen gebruiken die braken kunnen veroorzaken, Masker voor kinderen met ’s nachts overgeven, of hiatus hernia of een defecte hartsfincterfunctie hebben.
  • Página 11 Utilização prevista BiTrac SE MaxShield A máscara BiTrac SE MaxShield Select™ é um acessório que deve ser utilizado com sistemas CPAP ou de dois níveis para suporte ventilatório. Select Contra-indicações 1) Este dispositivo não deve ser utilizado em doentes não cooperantes ou que não respondam.
  • Página 12 Przeznaczenie Maska BiTrac SE MaxShield Select™ stanowi element dodatkowy do stosowania z systemami CPAP lub przeznaczonymi do terapii BiTrac SE MaxShield dwupoziomowej stosowanymi do wspomagania oddechowego. Select Przeciwwskazania 1) Urządzenia nie wolno stosować u pacjentów, którzy nie współpracują lub nie reagują na bodźce. 2) U rządzenie może nie nadawać się do stosowania u pacjentów przyjmujących leki, które mogą spowodować wymioty, z wymiotami nocnymi, przepukliną rozworu przełykowego lub zaburzeniami czynności wpustu żołądka. Maska pediatryczna ze standardowym 3) M aska może nie nadawać się do stosowania u pacjentów z następującymi stanami: jaskra, niedawno przebyta operacja oka lub suchość...
  • Página 13 Avsedd användning BiTrac SE BiTrac SE MaxShield Select™-masken är ett tillbehör för användning tillsammans med CPAP- eller BiPAP (Bilevel)-system för ventilationsstöd. MaxShield Select Kontraindikationer 1) Denna anordning ska inte användas på icke-samarbetsvilliga eller oemottagliga patienter. 2) Denna anordning kan vara olämplig att använda på patienter som tar medicin som kan ge upphov till kräkningar, Pediatrisk mask med kräks på...
  • Página 14 Saklama Özellikleri: %95'e kadar 4. M askeyi hastanın yüzüne yerleştirin ve boneyi başının üstünden çekin. yoğunlaşmayan bağıl nemde -20°C ila 60°C ABD'de üretilmiştir Ticari markalarımız hakkında daha fazla bilgi için şu 5. M askeyi yerine klipsleyin ve kayışları ayarlayın. Şekil 2'e başvurun. adresi ziyaret edin: 6. P rotokolleriniz uyarınca CPAP tedavisine geçin. Değiştirilebilir Dirsek Özelliğinin Kullanımı: 1. S üngü kilidi açmak için adaptör halkasını tutarak ve dirseği saatin aksi yönde çevirerek mevcut dirseği maskeden çıkarın (Bkz. Şekil B.) 2. D irseği nazikçe maskeden çekin. (Bkz. Şekil C.) 3. İ...