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  • ESPAÑOL, página 4

Enlaces rápidos

Intended use: The full face mask is an accessory for use with CPAP or Bilevel systems used in the treatment of adult Obstructive
Sleep Apnea (OSA) and/or ventilatory support. A minimum pressure of >3.0cm H
This device should not be used on uncooperative or unresponsive
This device may not be suitable for use on patients unable to
remove the mask or are currently taking medication which may
cause vomiting.
This mask and vented swivel elbow has an integral leak port; therefore a separate exhalation device is not needed.
This device is not suitable for providing life support ventilation.
Any unusual chest discomfort, shortness of breath, stomach distension, belching, severe headache, drying eyes, eye pain, eye
infections, or blurred vision when receiving positive airway pressure or upon awakening should be reported to
the clinician.
To minimize risks of vomiting during sleep, avoid eating or drinking for three (3) hours before use.
If skin irritation develops, this may be due to excessive pressure or skin reaction or a combination of the two. Loosen the head
strap and/or try another mask or forehad pad size. Skin reaction may also be due to cleanliness. Refer to the cleaning instructions.
This CPAP mask should only be used with CPAP systems recommended by your physician or respiratory therapist. A
mask should not be used unless the CPAP system is turned ON and operating properly. The vent hole or holes associated with
the mask should never be blocked.
Explanation of the Warning: CPAP systems are intended to be used with special masks with connectors
which have vent holes to allow continuous flow of air out of the mask. When the CPAP machine is turned on
and functioning properly, new air from the CPAP machine flushes the exhaled air out through the attached
mask exhalation port. However, when the CPAP machine is not operating, enough fresh air will not be
provided through the mask, and exhaled air may be rebreathed. Rebreathing of exhaled air for longer than
several minutes can in some circumstances lead to suffocation. This warning applies to most models of CPAP
Full Face Mask Discomforts and Corrective Actions:
The problems listed below may be indications that your mask needs to be replaced. You should seek the assistance of your dealer
when you notice one or more of the following:
• The cushion begins to tear
• The mask feels uncomfortable
• The parts show signs of wear, discoloration or cracking
Before Use:
Verify entrainment valve function on anti-asphyxia elbow:
With the unit turned OFF, the entrainment valve flap should be open, allowing user to breathe room air.
Turn CPAP or Bilevel unit ON.
The flap valve should close, allowing the user to receive airflow from the unit.
If the valve does not function in this manner, replace the vented anti-asphyxia elbow
Do no block the opening on the entrainment valve.
Check valve before each use for malfunction or blockage caused by patient secretions.
Single Patient Use
Latex Free
Federal Law (USA) restricts this device to sale
by or on the order of a licensed physician.
Pulmodyne Inc.
2055 Executive Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46241 USA
T: +1.317.246.5505
F: +1.317.246.5501
Made in USA
Full Face Mask with
Vented Anti-Asphyxia
22mm Male
O at the mask is required.
Typical Exhaust Flow / Pressure Performance
Operating Specifications: 5°C to 40°C at humidity range of 15% to 95%
Storage Specifications: -20°C to 60°C at relative humidity up to 95%
of the Vent Swivel Elbow
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Resumen de contenidos para Pulmodyne BiTrac Vented

  • Página 1 0086 Single Patient Use Latex Free Caution: Federal Law (USA) restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a licensed physician. Pulmodyne Inc. 2055 Executive Drive Indianapolis, IN 46241 USA T: +1.317.246.5505 F: +1.317.246.5501 Made in USA...
  • Página 2 Vollgesichtsmaske Kniestück mit Anti-Asphyxieventil Luftauslassöffnung, 22 mm Außenverschraubung Verwendungszweck: Die Vollgesichtsmaske ist ein Zubehör für die Verwendung mit CPAP- oder Bilevel-Systemen bei der Behandlung von obstruktiver Schlafapnoe (OSA) und/oder zur Atmungsunterstützung. An der Maske ist ein Mindestdruck von >3,0 cm O erforderlich.
  • Página 3 Helmaske med Ventileret anti-asfyksialbue 22 mm, han Anvendelse: Helmaske er et tibehør, der bruges med CPAP-systemer eller Bilevel-systemer, som anvendes i behandlingen af obstruktiv søvnapnø hos voksne (OSA) og/eller respirationsstøtte. Det er nødvendigt med et minimumstryke på >3,0 cm O ved masken. Typisk udåndingsflow/trykpræstation for ventilationsdrejealbuen Kontraindikationer:...
  • Página 4: Contraindicaciones

    Mascarilla facial completa con Codo antiasfixia con ventilación macho de 22 mm Uso previsto: Mascarilla facial completa es un accesorio que se utiliza con sistemas CPAP o de dos niveles para el tratamiento de la apnea obstructiva del sueño (OSA) o para proporcionar ventilación asistida. Se requiere una presión mínima de >3,0 cm de H en la mascarilla.
  • Página 5: Contre-Indications

    Masque Facial avec fuite intentionnelle et raccord articulé avec valve anti asphyxia (VAA) 22mm mâle Usage prévu: Le masque Facial BiTrac HC est destiné pour une utilisation avec des génrérateurs d'air à pression positive continue (PPC) ou à deux niveaux de pression (VNDP) conçus pour le traitement du syndrome de l'apnée obstructive du sommeil (SAS) chez les adultes et/ou our une assistance respiratoire.
  • Página 6: Kokokasvomaski Ilmastoitu Antiasfyksiaolake 22 Mm Koiras

    Osissa näkyy kulumisen, värivirheiden tai halkeilun merkkejä Rajoitettu takuu • Pulmodyne, Inc. takaa, että toute on virheetön 3 kuukauden ajan. Takuuvaatimusten yhteydessä alkuperäisen omistajan tulee esittää ostotodistus yhdessä eränumeron ja viallisen toutteen kanssa. • Takuu ei ole voimassa, jos ohjeita ei noudateta, jos toutteita käytetään tai käsitellään väärin, toutteet puhdeisttaan väärin, jos käyttäjä...
  • Página 7 L            22 .   : S L         CPAP  Bilevel            ()  /  .    >3,0...
  • Página 8 Maschera facciale intera con raccordo a gomito antiasfissia ventilato 22 mm maschio Uso previsto: Maschera facciale intera è un accessorio da utilizzare con sistemi CPAP o bilivello utilizzati nel trattamento della sindrome delle apnee ostruttive nel sonno (OSA, Obstructive Sleep Apnea) in soggetti adulti e/o come ausilio alla respirazione. È necessaria una pressione minima alla maschera di >3,0 cm H 2 O.
  • Página 9 Hel ansiktsmaske med Ventilert antiasfyksialbueledd, 22 mm hannkobling Tilsiktet bruk: Hel ansiktsmaske er tilleggsutstyr til bruk sammen med CPAP-systemer eller utstyr med separat inhalasjons- og ekshalasjonstrykkregulering, som brukes til voksne med obstruktiv søvnapnè (OSA) og/eller ventilasjonsstøtte. Det er nødvendig med et minstetrykk på >3,0 cm H 2 O ved masken. Typisk utflyt/trykkytelse for dreibar albueledd med ventil Kontraindikasjoner:...
  • Página 10: Contra-Indicaties

    Volgelaatsmasker Antiverstikkingselleboog met luchtopeningen 22 mm mannelijk Beoogd gebruik: De volgelaatsmasker is een accessoire voor toepassing met CPAP- of bilevelsystemen die gebruikt worden bij de behandeling van obstructieve slaapapneu (OSA) en/of beademingsondersteuning bij volwassenen. Er is bij het masker een minimumdruk van >3,0 cm H 2 O vereist. Gebruikelijke uitlaastroom / drukprestatie van de draaibare elleboog met luchtopningen Contra-indicaties:...
  • Página 11: Contraindicações

    Máscara facial inteira com conector em L antiasfixia com orifício de ventilação, 22 mm macho Uso indicado: O màscara facial inteira é um acessório projetado para uso com sistemas de ventilação CPAP ou binível no tratamento de SAOS (Síndrome de Apnéia Obstrutiva do Sono) em adultos, ou para auxiliar na ventilação mecânica. É necessária pressão mínima de >3,0cm H 2 O na máscara.
  • Página 12: Ostrzeżenia

    Pełna maska twarzowa z Wkrętne kolanko odpowietrzające 22 mm, zapobiegające uduszeniu Przeznaczenie: Pełna maska twarzowa to jedno z akcesoriów przeznaczonych do użytkowania w połączeniu z systemami CPAP i BIPAP, w terapii bezdechu sennego i/lub wspomagania oddechu u dorosłych. Minimalne wymagane ciśnienie w masce powinno być...
  • Página 13: Före Användning

    Hel ansiktsmask med Anti-asfyxiknärör med ventil, 22 mm hankoppling Avsedd användning: Hel ansiktsmask är ett tillbehör för användning med CPAP- eller Bilevel-system som används för behandling av vuxna med obstruktiv sömnapné (OSA) och/eller för ventilationsstöd. Ett lägsta tryck >3,0 cm H 2 O vid masken krävs.
  • Página 14: Kullanımdan Önce

    Tam Yüz Maskesi, Delikli Anti- Asfiksi Dirseği 22 mm Erkek Kullanım Amacı: Tam yüz maskesi yetişkin Obstrüktif Uyku Apnesi (OSA) tedavisi ve/veya ventilasyon desteği için kullanılan CPAP veya İki Düzeyli sistemlerle kullanılan bir aksesuardır. Maskede minimum basınciın >3,0 cm H 2 O olması gerekir.
  • Página 15 Notes 15 of 15...

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