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BiTrac Select™
Full Face Mask with Anti-Asphyxia
Nebulizer Attachment Elbow
22mm Female
Interchangeable Elbow Compatible
Intended Use
The BiTrac Full Face mask is an accessory for use with CPAP or Bilevel systems used in the treatment of adult Obstructive Sleep Apnea
(OSA) and/or ventilatory support. A minimum of >3.0cm of H
When NOT in use ensure the nebulizer adapter port is sealed.
1. This device should not be used on uncooperative or unresponsive patients.
2. This device may not be suitable for use on patients unable to remove the mask or are taking medication which may cause vomiting.
1. This elbow should be used only for a nebulizer treatment while in the presence of trained medical personnel.
2. This mask does not have an integral leak port; therefore a separate exhalation device must be part of the circuit. Utilize the equipment
manufacturer's recommended exhalation port in the designated circuit.
3. This device is not suitable for providing life support ventilation.
4. Any unusual chest discomfort, shortness of breath, stomach distension, belching, severe headache, drying eyes, eye pain, eye infections
or blurred vision when receiving positive airway pressure or upon awakening should be reported to the clinician.
5. To minimize risks of vomiting during sleep, avoid eating or drinking for three (3) hours before use.
6. If skin irritation develops, this may be due to excessive pressure or skin reaction or a combination of the two. Loosen the headgear and
or try another mask or forehead pad size.
7. This CPAP mask should only be used with CPAP systems recommended by your physician or respiratory therapist. A mask should not
be used unless the CPAP system is turned ON and operating properly. The vent hole or holes associated with the mask should never be
8. To avoid aerosolized medication coming in contact with the eyes, the Interchangeable Anti-Asphyxia Nebulizer Attachment Elbow should
NOT be used on the BiTrac Select MaxShield mask.
Explanation of the Warning: CPAP systems are intended to be used with the special masks with connectors which have vent holes to allow
continuous flow of air out of the mask. When the CPAP machine is turned on and functioning properly, new air from the CPAP machine
flushes the exhaled air out through the attached mask exhalation port. However, when the CPAP machine is not operating, enough fresh air
will not be provided through the mask, and exhaled air may be rebreathed. Rebreathing of exhaled air for longer than several minutes can in
some circumstances lead to suffocation. This warning applies to most models of CPAP systems.
Before Use
Verify entrainment valve function on anti-asphyxia elbow:
• With the unit turned OFF, the entrainment valve flap should be open, allowing user to breathe room air.
• Turn CPAP or Bilevel unit ON.
• The flap valve should close, allowing the user to receive airflow from the unit.
• If the valve does not function in this manner, replace the mask.
• Do not block the opening on the entrainment valve.
• Check valve before each use for malfunction or blockage caused by patient secretions.
Use of Interchangeable Elbow Feature:
1. Remove the existing elbow from the mask by holding the adapter ring and twisting the elbow counter clockwise
to disengage the bayonet lock (Refer to Figure B.)
2. Gently pull the elbow from the mask. (Refer to Figure C.)
3. Gently press the desired Interchangeable Compatible Elbow into the mask adapter ring and turn clockwise until
fully seated. Do not use excessive force.
Pulmodyne Inc.
2055 Executive Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46241 USA
Pulmodyne is a registered trademark of Pulmodyne, Inc. BiTrac Select and Bilevel Compatible are
trademarks of Pulmodyne, Inc.
Latex Free
O at the mask is required.
Bayonet Lock References:
Single Patient Use
Caution: Federal Law (USA) restricts this device to sale
by or on the order of a licensed physician.
Figure A.
Made in USA
Operating Specifications: 5°C to 40°C
at humidity range of 15% to 95%
Storage Specifications: -20°C to
60°C at relative humidity up to 95%
Figure B.
Figure C.
Medical Device

Resumen de contenidos para Pulmodyne BiTrac Select

  • Página 1 Indianapolis, IN 46241 USA www.pulmodyne.com Figure B. Figure C. Figure A. Pulmodyne is a registered trademark of Pulmodyne, Inc. BiTrac Select and Bilevel Compatible are trademarks of Pulmodyne, Inc. Medical Device Single Patient Use Made in USA Caution: Federal Law (USA) restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a licensed physician.
  • Página 2 Maske dürfen nicht blockiert sein. 8. Damit Arzneimittel in Aerosolform nicht in Kontakt mit den Augen gelangen, sollte das austauschbare Aufsatzbogenstück für den Anti Asphyxie-Vernebler NICHT an der BiTrac Select MaxShield-Maske verwendet werden. Erklärung zu den Warnhinweisen: CPAP-Systeme sollen mit den speziellen Masken mit Verbindungsstücken verwendet werden, deren Luftöffnungen für kontinuierlichen Luftaustritt aus der Maske sorgen. Wenn die CPAP-Maschine eingeschaltet ist und vorschriftsmäßig läuft, wird durch Frischluftzufuhr aus der CPAP-Maschine die ausgeatmete Luft aus der angehängten Ausatmungsöffnung der Maske...
  • Página 3 BiTrac Select™ Codo de acoplamiento intercambiable para nebulizador antiasfixia Hembra de 22 mm Compatible con codo intercambiable Indicaciones de uso La Mascarilla Oronasal BITRAC es un accesorio para utilizar con sistemas de CPAP o de dos niveles en el tratamiento de adultos con apnea obstructiva del sueño (AOS) o soporte ventilatorio.
  • Página 4 BiTrac Select™ Hel ansigtsmaske med Udskifteligt antiasphyxiafastgøringsdrejeled til forstøver, 22 mm hunkobling Kompatibel med udskifteligt vinkelstykke Anvendelsesområder BiTrac hel ansigtsmaske er tilbehør, som bruges med CPAP eller Bi-Level-systemer i behandlingen af Obstruktiv søvnapnø (OSA) hos voksne og/eller respiratorsupport. Et minimumstryk på >3,0 cm H O ved masken er nødvendigt.
  • Página 5 Pour éviter que le médicament transmis par aérosol entre en contact avec les yeux, l’embout interchangeable en forme de coude pour nébuliseur anti-asphyxie ne doit PAS être utilisé sur le masque BiTrac Select MaxShield. Explication de la mise en garde : les systèmes CPAP sont conçus pour être utilisés avec les masques spéciaux munis de raccords équipés de trous d'aération permettant un débit d'air continu hors du masque.
  • Página 6 8. Jotta lääkesumutetta ei joudu silmiin, vaihdettavaa hapenpuutteen estävää sumuttimen kulmaosaa EI saa käyttää BiTrac Select MaxShield -naamarin kanssa. Varoituksen selitys: CPAP-järjestelmät on tarkoitettu käytettäväksi sellaisten erikoismaskien kanssa, joiden liittimissä on erityiset ilma-aukot jatkuvan ilmavirtauksen sallimiseksi maskista ulos. Kun CPAP-laite kytketään päälle ja se toimii oikein, uusi CPAP-laitteesta tuleva ilma poistaa uloshengitysilman laitteeseen kytketyn maskin...
  • Página 7 BiTrac Select™ Maschera facciale totale con gRaccordo a gomito intercambiabile con valvola anti-asfissia per nebulizzatore da 22 mm femmina Gomito intercambiabile compatibile Uso previsto La maschera facciale totale BiTrac è un accessorio da utilizzare con sistemi CPAP e Bilevel per il trattamento delle apnee ostruttive nel sonno (OSAS) e/o il supporto ventilatorio negli adulti.
  • Página 8: Προοριζόμενη Χρήση

    BiTrac Select™ Μάσκα πλήρους κάλυψης προσώπου με Εναλλάξιμη γωνία αντιασφυξίας νεφελοποιητή 22 mm, θηλυκό Συμβατός, εναλλάξιμος γωνιακός σύνδεσμος Προοριζόμενη χρήση Η μάσκα πλήρους κάλυψης προσώπου BiTrac είναι ένα εξάρτημα για τη χρήση με συστήματα CPAP ή Bilevel, τα οποία χρησιμοποιούνται στη θεραπεία της αποφρακτικής άπνοιας ύπνου (ΑΑΥ) σε ενήλικες ασθενείς ή/και για την αναπνευστική υποστήριξη. Η ελάχιστη πίεση που απαιτείται στη μάσκα είναι >3,0 cm H Σημείωση Όταν ΔΕΝ χρησιμοποιείται διασφαλίστε ότι η θύρα προσαρμογέα νεφελοποιητή είναι σφραγισμένη. Αντενδείξεις 1. Η συσκευή αυτή δεν πρέπει να χρησιμοποιείται σε μη-συνεργάσιμους ή μη-ανταποκρίσιμους ασθενείς. 2. Η συσκευή ενδέχεται να μην είναι κατάλληλη για χρήση σε ασθενείς που αδυνατούν να αφαιρέσουν τη μάσκα ή λαμβάνουν φαρμακευτική αγωγή που ίσως προκαλεί έμετο. Προειδοποιήσεις 1. Αυτή η γωνία πρέπει να χρησιμοποιείται μόνο για θεραπεία με νεφελοποιητή παρουσία εκπαιδευμένου ιατρικού προσωπικού. 2. Η μάσκα αυτή δεν έχει ενσωματωμένη θύρα διαρροής και, γι' αυτό το λόγο, μια ξεχωριστή συσκευή εκπνοής πρέπει να αποτελεί μέρος του κυκλώματος. Χρησιμοποιήστε τη θύρα εκπνοής εξοπλισμού που συνιστά ο κατασκευαστής για το καθορισμένο κύκλωμα. 3. Η συσκευή αυτή δεν είναι κατάλληλη για παροχή υποστήριξης της ζωής με μηχανικό αερισμό.
  • Página 9 BiTrac Select™ Full ansiktsmaske med Utskiftbart kvelningshindrende vinkelrør for forstøvere 22 mm hunn Kompatibel med utskiftbar albue Tiltenkt bruk BiTrac full ansiktsmaske er et tilbehør til CPAP og totrinnssystemer som brukes i behandling av obstruktiv søvnapné (OSA) hos voksne og/eller til ventilasjonsstøtte. Det kreves minst >3,0 cm med H O i masken.
  • Página 10 8. Om te voorkomen dat medicatie in aerosolvorm in aanraking komt met de ogen, mag de verwisselbare aansluitelleboog voor de anti-asfyxievernevelaar NIET op het BiTrac Select MaxShield-masker worden gebruikt. Uitleg van de waarschuwing: CPAP-systemen zijn bedoeld om te worden gebruikt in combinatie met speciale maskers die voorzien zijn van connectoren met ventilatie-openingen die een constante luchtstroom vanuit het masker doorlaten.
  • Página 11 BiTrac Select™ Maska pełnotwarzowa z kolankiem zapobiegającym utracie przytomności z Wymienne kolanko do nebulizatora zapobiegające utracie przytomności z powodu braku tlenu, 22 mm, żeńskim Zgodna z wymiennym kolankiem Przeznaczenie Maska pełnotwarzowa BiTrac stanowi element dodatkowy do stosowania z systemami CPAP lub przeznaczonymi do terapii dwupoziomowej stosowanymi w terapii obturacyjnego bezdechu sennego (OSA) u pacjentów dorosłych i/lub wspomagania oddechowego. Wymagane jest minimalne ciśnienie na masce wynoszące >3,0 cm H Uwaga Gdy nebulizator NIE jest używany należy się upewnić, że port adaptera jest zamknięty. Przeciwwskazania 1. Urządzenia nie wolno stosować u pacjentów, którzy nie współpracują lub nie reagują na bodźce. 2. Urządzenie może nie nadawać się do stosowania u pacjentów niezdolnych do zdjęcia maski lub przyjmujących leki, które mogą spowodować wymioty. Ostrzeżenia 1.
  • Página 12 BiTrac Select™ Máscara facial completa com conector fêmea de 22 mm Cotovelo de ligação para nebulizador anti-asfixia intercambiável Compatível com o cotovelo intercambiável Utilização prevista A Máscara Facial Completa BiTrac é um acessório que deve ser utilizado com sistemas CPAP ou de dois níveis no tratamento de Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono (AOS) em adultos e/ou para suporte ventilatório.
  • Página 13 Ventilationshålet/-hålen som hör till masken får aldrig blockeras. 8. För att undvika att läkemedel i aerosolform kommer i kontakt med ögonen ska den utbytbara vinkelkopplingen med kvävningsskydd INTE användas på BiTrac Select MaxShield-masken. Förklaring av varningen: CPAP-systemen är avsedda att användas med speciella masker och kopplingar försedda med ventilationshål som tillåter kontinuerligt luftflöde ut ur masken.
  • Página 14 BiTrac Select™ Değiştirilebilir 22 mm Anti-Asfeksi Nebülizer Ek Dirsek Tam Yüz Maskesi Değiştirilebilir Dirsek Uyumlu Kullanım Amacı BiTrac Tam Yüz Maskesi, yetişkin Obstrüktif Uyku Apnesi (OSA) tedavisinde ve/veya suni solunum cihazı desteğinde kullanılan CPAP ve Bilevel sistemleri ile birlikte yardımcı bir parça olarak kullanılır. Maskede minimum >3,0 cm'lik H olması gerekir. Kullanım durumunda DEĞİLKEN nebülizer adaptör portunun kapalı olduğundan emin olun. Kontrendikasyonlar 1. Bu cihaz, koopere olmayan veya tepki göstermeyen hastalarda kullanılmamalıdır. 2. Bu cihaz, maskeyi çıkaracak durumu olmayan veya kusmaya sebep olacak ilaçlar alan hastalarda kullanmak için uygun olmayabilir. Uyarılar 1. Bu dirsek, eğitimli tıbbi personel varken sadece nebülizer işlemi için kullanılmalıdır. 2. Bu maske entegre bir sızıntı portuna sahip değildir, bu nedenle ayrı bir nefes verme cihazı devrenin bir parçası olmalıdır. Devrede ekipman üreticilerinin tavsiye ettiği nefes verme portunu kullanın. 3. Bu cihaz, yaşam destek amaçlı solunum sağlamak için uygun değildir. 4. Pozitif havayolu basıncı alırken veya uyandıktan sonra her türlü olağandışı göğüs rahatsızlığı, nefes darlığı, karında şişlik, geğirme, şiddetli baş ağrısı, gözlerde kuruluk, göz ağrısı, göz enfeksiyonları veya bulanık görme durumunda klinisyene bu durum bildirilmelidir.