You can push STOP to stop the recipe, you can
can push
to go to next recipe step (only for
recipes with 2 or more steps).
No possibility to modify the volume
during processing milk recipes (coffee
and milk).
Cleaning after preparing milky drinks
Automatic milk cleaning: The screen indi-
cates Clean milk? at the end of each milky
It is advised to rinse after using the milk func-
tion in order to ensure the cleanliness of the
frothing accessories and the frothiness of the
For the best results, it is advised to clean
the One Touch Cappuccino removable
regularly (see section 11).
If you note a change in the quality of your
milk froth, do not hesitate to repeat the rins-
ing and cleaning process: indeed a milk system
that is not well maintained may cause this type
of problem.
Automatic rinsing outlets: according to
the type of preparation (coffee or milky
recipe), the machine may complete an auto-
matic rinse program when it switches off. The
cycle lasts only a few seconds and stops auto-
matically (figu e E3 – E5).
Your appliance allows to prepare coffee and
milky recipes with ground coffee.
Use the ground coffee beverage choice in the
home screen or via a profile to p epare a bever-
age with ground coffee. After setting your rec-
ipe and pressing START, the appliance invites
you to open pre ground coffee funnel
the specific spoon p ovided
ground coffee spoon in the hatch. Close it. Then
repeat this operation a second time. Press OK to
realize the recipe. We recommend to insert two
ground coffee spoons (one after the other) to
insure coffee taste.
Do not put more than 1 spoon of
ground coffee in the pre ground coffee
at once. For one recipe, do not put
more than 2 spoons of ground coffee in the
appliance: Any damage caused by introducing
an excessive quantity of ground coffee will not
be covered by the guarantee.
Do not put anything else than ground coffee
in funnel: Any damage caused by introducing
another substance will not be covered by the
Never open pre ground coffee funnel
during recipe progressing; if doing, rec-
ipe will be stopped and machine will launch
automatic maintenance after hatch closing.
Possibility to realize ground coffee recipe even
if there are no coffee beans.
When a cycle is interrupted, the appliance
requests immediately to close the hatch, before
running automatic maintenance.
. With
, insert one