Smoke detector
The risk of fire
A domestic fire takes place every 2 minutes in France. In this case, the air can reach a
temperature of 600 ° C in less than 5 minutes and the lack of visibility due to the smoke,
makes evacuation difficult beyond these 5 minutes. The smoke detector saves you
precious time to get your family out of harm's way.
Prepare your family to react to a fire
Prepare an escape plan from your home showing all doors and windows. Establish a
route for each member of your family (at least 2 exit lanes for each room). Inform each
member (especially the youngest and the elderly) of the procedure to be followed in
the event of a fire and the reflexes to adopt (familiarize themselves with the sound of the
alarm, choose an outdoor place where the whole family can meet in case of fire). Do a
safety drill on a regular basis with all members of the home (for example, every 6 months).
What to do in case of fire ?
Keep calm and call the fire department (18).
If you are near the exit or on a floor lower than the one where the fire is: get out.
If you are on a floor above the one where there is the fire or on the same landing:
• Close all exits.
• If the smoke begins to pass under the door: spray it and seal it with wet cloths.
• If smoke invades the room: crawl on the floor under the smoke and cover your nose
and mouth with a damp handkerchief.
In the event of fire on a person:
• On you: roll over on the ground.
• Roll the person up in a blanket or non-synthetic clothing or cover them.
• Never try to remove burnt clothes: they stick to the skin.
Things to never do:
• Do not throw water on oil or a burning electrical system.
• Don't try to extinguish it.
• Don't throw yourself out the window.
• Don't take the elevator.