Part Finding Sensor
A Part Finding Sensor lets you locate a part in the image. You create a Part Finding
Sensor by drawing a box around a feature of your part.
Placing the Sensor
Use the arrows to position the
yellow cross at one corner
of the desired feature. Press
Apply, then use the arrows to
position the opposite corner.
Press Apply again to create
the sensor.
Moving the Region
Use the left and right arrows
to select the move handle
(a four-way cross). Press
Select, then use the arrows
to move the region. Click
Apply to make the change
Resizing the Region
Use the left and right
arrows to select the resize
handle (an arrow). Press
Select, then use the arrows
to move the region. Click
Apply to make the change
Presence Sensors
Presence sensors let you check the appearance of part features. A single click
creates and configures a sensor. To work with existing sensors, use the Select
Sensors command.
Selecting a Sensor
Use the left and right arrows to
select the sensor to edit. The
selected sensor is highlighted
in yellow. Click Select to
select it.
Moving a Sensor
Use the left and right arrows
to select the move handle
(a cross in the center of the
sensor). Press Select, then
use the arrows to move the
sensor. Click Apply to make
the change permanent.
Resizing a Sensor
Use the left and right
arrows to select the resize
handle (an angled arrow).
Press Select, then use the
arrows to resize the sensor.
Click Apply to make the
change permanent.