1 Introduction
1.1 About this manual
This manual is valid for the AD629. These products are manufactured by:
1.2 Intended use
The AD629 audiometer is designed to be a device for diagnosing hearing loss. Output and specificity of this
type of device are based on the test characteristics defined by the user, and may vary depending on
environmental and operating conditions. The diagnosing of hearing loss using this kind of diagnostic
audiometer depends on the interaction with the patient. However, for patients not responding well
possibilities of various tests allow the tester to have at least some evaluative result. Thus, a "normal hearing"
result should not allow for ignoring other contra indications in this case. A full audiologic evaluation should be
administered if concerns about hearing sensitivity persist.
The AD629 audiometer is intended to be used by an audiologist, hearing healthcare professional or trained
technician in an extremely quiet environment according to the ISO standard 8253-1. This AD629 is intended
for all patient groups regarding sex, age and health.Careful handling of the AD629 whenever in contact with
a patient should be of high priority. Calm and stable positioning while testing is preferred for optimal
AD629 - Instructions for Use - EN
Interacoustics A/S
Audiometer Allé 1
5500 Middelfart
+45 6371 3555
+45 6371 3522
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