The MI-15KVe High-Voltage Megohmmeter is a truly portable device that allows
the measurement of insulation resistances using test voltages up to 15 kV. It em-
ploys a state-of-the-art technology for the safe measurements of insulation resis-
tances up to 3.000.000 MΩ with 4 test voltages: 1 kV - 5 kV - 10 kV - 15 kV.
Readings are performed through an easy-to-read analogue indicator, having a
broad scale. This equipment is specially well suited to test isolation resistances in
transmission lines and medium voltage distribution systems, whether aerial or
underground, as it allows to perform testing with voltages near to the operational
value. Besides, it is an excellent auxiliary when detecting cable failures.
In order to maximize the operator's safety, this equipment was made within a plas-
tic cabinet of high dielectric strength, with no metallic accessible parts. A light indi-
cator warns about dangerous voltages presence, both in the equipment and in the
element under testing, and switches off only when the discharge process has fin-
This megohmmeter has a GUARD terminal that allows to avoid the effects of para-
sitic resistances and surface currents on the insulation resistances under test. Due
to its compact size and reduced weight, mechanical strength, self-contained bat-
tery supply, this apparatus is particularly suitable for field tests under severe envi-
ronments. It is easily to be carried, very simple to be operated and stands severe
handling conditions including frequent shocks, extreme temperatures, vibrations
during transportation through hard roads, long direct exposure to solar radiation,
dust, sand and other air-borne impurities, etc. Accuracy is not affected by all these
adverse conditions and it is still comparable with that of the best laboratory instru-