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Resumen de contenidos para Festo Hydraulic Power Packs
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152962, 8065049 Hydraulic Power Packs with 5 l Tank Fluid Power – Hydraulics Operating Instructions Betriebsanleitung Instrucciones de utilización Notice d'utilisation Festo Didactic 369805 en/de/es/fr 10/2020...
Hydraulic power packs with 5 l tank Table of contents General prerequisites for operating the devices _________________________________________ 7 Pictograms _______________________________________________________________________ 8 Use for intended purpose ___________________________________________________________ 9 For your safety ___________________________________________________________________ 10 Important information _____________________________________________________________ 10 Obligations of the operating company _________________________________________________ 10...
Hydraulic power packs with 5 l tank General prerequisites for operating the devices General requirements for safe operation of the devices: • National regulations for operating electrical systems and equipment must be observed in commercial facilities. • The laboratory or classroom must be overseen by a supervisor.
Hydraulic power packs with 5 l tank Pictograms This document and the hardware described herein include warnings about possible hazards which may arise if the system is used incorrectly. The following pictograms are used: WARNING … indicates a possibly hazardous situation which may result in death or severe personal injury if not avoided.
Festo Didactic hereby excludes any and all liability for damages suffered by trainees, the training company and/or any third parties, which occur during use of the device in situations which serve any purpose other than training and/or vocational education, unless such damages have been caused by Festo Didactic due to malicious intent or gross negligence.
Knowledge of the basic safety instructions and safety regulations is a fundamental prerequisite for safe handling and trouble-free operation of Festo Didactic components and systems. These operating instructions include the most important instructions for safe use of the components and systems.
Hydraulic power packs with 5 l tank Work and safety instructions General safety CAUTION • Trainees should only work with the circuits under the supervision of an instructor. • Observe the specifications included in the technical data for the individual components, and in particular all safety instructions! •...
Hydraulic power packs with 5 l tank Electrical safety WARNING • Disconnect from all sources of electrical power! – Switch off the power supply before working on the circuit. – Please note that electrical energy may be stored in individual components.
Hydraulic power packs with 5 l tank Hydraulic safety WARNING • Depressurize the system! – Switch off the hydraulic power pack before working on the circuit. – Check the system using pressure gauges to make sure that the entire circuit is fully depressurized.
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Hydraulic power packs with 5 l tank CAUTION • If the electric motor’s motor protection switch is tripped, the cause must be determined and eliminated. The motor can be started back up again after allowing it to cool down. •...
Hydraulic power packs with 5 l tank Technical data General specifications Parameter Value Dimensions Length 580 mm Width 300 mm Height 180 mm Weight Empty approx. 19 kg Filled with oil approx. 24 kg Operating temperature 5 ... 40° C...
Hydraulic power packs with 5 l tank Hydraulic specifications Parameter Value Order no. 152962 8065049 Oil tank capacity Approx. 5 liters Pump design External gear pump Geometric delivery rate 1.6 cubic cm Delivery rate at 6 MPa 2.2 l/min. 2.7 l/min.
Transport The hydraulic power packs are delivered in a crate. The packaging material is designed so that it can be reused as long as it has not been damaged during transport. Please keep the original packaging and use it if you need to transport the hydraulic power pack again.
Hydraulic power packs with 5 l tank Design and function Design The electric motor and the tank are mounted on a flange. Mounting on profile plate, profile column or other device is done by means of profile connectors. The grooves are compatible with the ITEM profile system, grid dimension 50 mm.
Hydraulic power packs with 5 l tank (1) electric motor, (10) oil drain plug, (17) flange, (24) suction line, (25) return filter, (26) gear pump Function The hydraulic power pack converts electric energy into hydraulic drive power. The electric motor (1) drives a gear pump (26).
Hydraulic power packs with 5 l tank Commissioning Installation There are mounting holes on three sides of the flange (11), which allows the hydraulic power pack to be installed in different positions. The hydraulic power pack is secured with 2 profile connectors. These are built into the flange on the back at the factory.
Hydraulic power packs with 5 l tank Filling with hydraulic oil The hydraulic power pack is shipped without hydraulic oil. The hydraulic oil (approx. 5 liters) is filled into the tank before the power pack is switched on for the first time. In order to fill the hydraulic power pack with oil, the oil-filler plug with vent filter (red) must be removed.
10.1 Hydraulic oil HLP22 is used as the hydraulic oil in the hydraulic power packs. This is subject to the natural aging of oil. As the hydraulic oil ages, the lubrication properties of the oil change too. Aging depends on contamination, temperature and operating time.
Regeln gebaut. Dennoch können bei unsachgemäßer Verwendung Gefahren für Leib und Leben des Benutzers oder Dritter und Beeinträchtigungen der Komponenten entstehen. Das Lernsystem von Festo Didactic ist ausschließlich für die Aus- und Weiterbildung im Bereich Automatisierung und Technik entwickelt und hergestellt. Das Ausbildungsunternehmen und/oder die Ausbildenden hat/haben dafür Sorge zu tragen, dass die Auszubildenden die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen, die...
Für Ihre Sicherheit Wichtige Hinweise Grundvoraussetzung für den sicherheitsgerechten Umgang und den störungsfreien Betrieb der Komponenten und Systeme von Festo Didactic ist die Kenntnis der grundlegenden Sicherheitshinweise und der Sicherheitsvorschriften. Diese Betriebsanleitung enthält die wichtigsten Hinweise, um die Komponenten und Systeme sicherheitsgerecht zu betreiben.
Transportieren Sie die Transportbox ausschließlich mit geeigneten Hubwagen oder Gabelstaplern. Sichern Sie die Transportbox gegen Umfallen und Herunterfallen. – Melden Sie Transportschäden unverzüglich dem Spediteur und Festo Didactic. Auspacken Überprüfen Sie das Hydraulikaggregat nach dem Auspacken auf mögliche Beschädigungen. –...
El sistema para la enseñanza de Festo Didactic ha sido concebido exclusivamente para la formación y el perfeccionamiento profesional en materia de sistemas y técnicas de automatización industrial. La empresa...
Indicaciones de seguridad Observaciones importantes Para un uso seguro y sin fallas de los componentes y sistemas de Festo Didactic, es indispensable conocer las instrucciones básicas de seguridad y las normas de seguridad correspondientes. El presente manual de instrucciones contiene las informaciones más importantes para un uso correcto y seguro de los componentes y sistemas.
Después de retirar la estación de su caja, deberá comprobarse si ha sufrido algún daño. – Cualquier daño deberá notificarse de inmediato al transportista y a Festo Didactic. Volumen de suministro Deberá comprobarse si el contenido de la caja corresponde a la nota de entrega y al pedido.
Le système didactique de Festo Didactic est exclusivement destiné à la formation initiale et à la formation continue dans le domaine de l’automatisation et de la technique. Il incombe à l’établissement de formation et/ou aux formateurs de faire respecter par les étudiants les consignes de sécurité...
Notes importantes La condition de base de l’utilisation en toute sécurité et du parfait fonctionnement des composants et des systèmes de Festo Didactic est une bonne connaissance des directives et consignes fondamentales de sécurité. La présente notice d'utilisation contient les informations essentielles pour utiliser le les composants et le système en toute sécurité.
Il convient de faire en sorte que la caisse ne puisse se renverser ni tomber. – Tout dommage dû au transport doit être immédiatement signalé au transporteur et à Festo Didactic. Déballage Vérifiez, après déballage, que le groupe hydraulique n'est pas endommagé.