Your blood glucose level is more than 600 mg/dL. Repeat test
with new test strip. If this message shows again, contact your
healthcare professional immediately.
Battery power is too low for testing. Replace batteries
immediately. Results may not be accurate when testing
with low battery symbol on.
Thermometer symbol. The meter temperature is outside the
acceptable range of 50–104ºF (10–40ºC). Allow the meter and
test strips to warm up or cool down slowly (20 minutes) until the
temperature warning symbol goes away.
• Before testing, always make sure the meter is at operating temperature
between 50–104°F (10–40°C).
• If the meter has been exposed to extreme temperatures, move the
meter to an area within an operating range, and allow the meter and
test strips to warm up or cool down slowly (20 minutes) until the
temperature warning symbol goes away.