5.4.2 Show the sample history
The sample history shows each sample that was collected, the time the sample was collected and if
the sample collection was completed or not. The reasons for the missed samples shows. The sample
history is automatically erased when the sampling program starts from the beginning.
1. Push MENU.
2. Select Review Data>Sample History.
3. Select an option.
Shows the sample collection time, the sample number, the bottle number(s) and
the sample volume for each sample.
Shows the sample collection time, the sample number and the reason the sample
was not collected. The reasons that are given follow:
• Bottle Full—The sample was missed because a full bottle was detected.
• Rinse Error—The sample was missed because an error occurred during the
rinse cycle.
• User Abort—The sample was missed because a user pushed the STOP key to
end the sample cycle.
• Arm Faulty—The sample was missed because the distributor arm did not move
• Pump Fault—The sample was missed because a fault occurred when the
pump was operating.
• Purge Fail—The sample was missed because an error occurred during the
purge cycle.
• Sample Timeout—The sample was missed because liquid was not detected
within the timeout period.
• Pump Low Volt—The sample was missed because the power supply was not
sufficient to operate the pump.
• Low Flow—The sample was missed due to insufficient flow.
5.4.3 Show the measurement data
Show the measurement data to see the measurements recorded to the data log.
Note: Measurement data is recorded to the data log in accordance with the selected logging interval. Refer to
Configure data logging
on page 11.
1. Push MENU and select Review Data>Measurement Data>[Select Instrument]>[Select
Measurement]. The selected measurements show in table format or graph format.
2. To change the view, push Options, then select an option.
View Type
Jump to newest
Jump to oldest
Jump to Date & Time Shows the measurement recorded at the entered date and time.
3. To erase the data log, push MENU and select General Settings>Clear Data. Select Data Log,
then push Yes.
Changes the view to table format or graph format.
Changes the view to one week, one day or one hour of measurements
in graph view.
Note: This option is only available when the View Type setting is set to Graph.
Shows the last measurement.
Shows the first measurement.
English 23