Previous Operations Before Starting-Up The Coffee Grinder; How To Obtain A Grinded Coffee Dosage; Adjusting The Grinding Degree Of Coffee; Adjusting Of The Grinded Coffee Quantity Per Dosis - Expobar Megacrem Manual De Usuario

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17.1. Previous operations before starting-up the coffee grinder

Check that the bean hopper (2) is correctly fitted in place.
Lift up the bean hopper lid (1), fill the bean hopper (2) with coffee beans and close it again.
Slide open the bean hopper gate (3) to the position that allows the coffee getting into the grinder.

17.2. How to obtain a grinded coffee dosage

Place the porta filter under the grinded coffee outlet (11).
Pull from the ground coffee dosage device lever (9) towards you in order to obtain a dosage and
release the coffee dosage device lever free.
Place the porta filter under the coffee tamper (9) and push it upwards in order to compact the coffee.

17.3. Adjusting the grinding degree of coffee

You can adjust the grinding degrees (thinner ground coffee/coarser ground coffee) as follows:
If you want to obtain thinner grinded coffee: Maintain pressed the millstone trigger (5)(models till
2009) while turning right the setting grind wheel (4), then release the trigger.
If you want to obtain a coarser grinded coffee:. Maintain pressed the millstone trigger (5) (models
till 2009) while turning left the setting grind wheel (4), then release the trigger.

17.4. Adjusting of the grinded coffee quantity per dosis

Switch OFF the grinder general switch, (8).
Remove ground coffee dosage device lid (6).
In order to get lower dosage: Turn the coffee grinding adjustment disk
In order to get higher dosage: Turn the coffee grinding adjustment disk
counter clockwise.
Re-install the ground coffee dosage device lid (6) in place.
Note; as to measure 7 grs of grinded coffee you get a measuring spoon with the
If when brewing espresso, it comes out very fast, the grinder is set too
If when brewing espresso, it comes out very slow, the grinder is set too thin.
Espresso should come out with a slow, thin and continuous flow.

18. Cleaning of the espresso machine

Remember, as to get the best performance from the machine, descale and cleaning are to be observed.
Disconnect the machine from the main supply prior to cleaning the machine. All the body exterior can be
cleaned with a damp cloth. Do not use abrasive or dissolvent products.

18.1. Cleaning of group

Unlock & remove the porta filter from the group head.
Place the blind filter membrane on the filter basket.
Insert a sachet of detergent into the porta filter. You must use specific detergents for this kind of
cleaning, suitable for the cleaning of the group of espresso machines.
Lock the porta filter into the group head.
If you have a Pulser machine (no keypad) press the brew switch for 10 seconds, then release for 3
seconds; and then repeat again this action for at least five times more.
If the machine is of the type Control, (it has keypad), activate the auto-cleaning cycle as follows:
Switch off the machine, then keep pressed the button "2 short coffees" and turn on the machine. Now you
can release the button; the auto-cleaning will automatically repeat a cleaning cycle.
• Cleaning of the espresso machine