Mesh Intercom Mode (Default: Public Mode)
Public Mode
When Mesh Intercom is enabled, the headset will be in Public Mode initially. It can connect with a
virtually unlimited number of nearby 30K headsets within a
users can talk at the same time for an optimized, open intercom conversation. Users can freely connect
with each other when in Public Mode. The audio quality of the intercom conversation will be the best
when communicating using Public Mode. The headset will not save the connection information from any
of the headsets that it is connected to for future open intercom conversations when in Public Mode.
[In the Image]
1.0 Mile
Limitless participants within range
6 people talk at the same time
Private Mode
A Mesh is a closed network of headsets where participants can leave, join or rejoin a group intercom
conversation without affecting the connection between each of the headsets. For a closed intercom
conversation using Mesh Intercom, a Mesh needs to be created by a user. When a user creates a Mesh,
the headset automatically switches from Public Mode to Private Mode.
Private Mode
Mesh Intercom in Public Mode
1.6 km (1.0 mile)
range. Within this range, 6