13.2.1 Files sharing under Windows Vista. Mode 2.
There are a different way to share files under Windows Vista OS. Please follow these steps:
1.Click on Start and Control Panel.
2. Select "Networks and Internet" > "Shared re-
3. Setup the options "Share" and "Detect" as
shown in the picture.
Network detection: Enabled
Shared files usage: Enabled
Public Access folder shared usage: Enabled (read only)
Shared usage protected with password: Disabled
When the configuration is finished, all the files
saved in the folder "Public Access" will be avai-
lable to be shared through the network.
13.3 Files sharing through a network: Windows 7.
Follow these steps to share files through a network under Windows 7 operating system.
1. Press Start > Control panel.
2. Select "Network and Internet"
and "Status and network tasks".
SPM3500 User guide
1. Welcome
2. Features
3. System requirements
4. Content
5. Hardware
6. Remote control
6.1 Batteries installation
7. PC or laptop connection
8. TV Connections
8.1 AV Connection
8.2 HDMI Connection
9. First time usage
9.1 Hard disk formatting
9.2 Main screen
10. Main Menu
10.1 Videos
10.2 Music
10.3 Pictures
10.4 Copy
10.5 Settings
11. Basic operations
11.1 Music playback
11.2 Pictures playback
11.3 Video files playback
11.4 Files
11.5 Changing output resolution
12. Network functions
12.1 Wired LAN connectionada
12.2 Wireless LAN connection
13. Files sharing
13.1 Sharing files: Windows XP
13.2 Sharing files: Windows Vista
13.3 Sharing files: Windows 7
14. Files access through a network
14.1 My Shortcuts
15. Firmware upgrading
16. FAQs