– As low as possible without any contact with ears or eyebrows
6. Inject local anesthetic to skull pin sites from either the top or bottom of the ring.
You may find it helpful to hold a pen light up to the ring holes to light the area of pin
placement through the halo. Anesthetize down to the periosteum. note: Anesthetic
without epinephrine should be used in order to avoid necrosing around the injection site.
7. Patient should close eyes tightly for skull pin application to prevent skin bunching.
Thread all skull pins through halo ring holes until they touch the skin. Then finger
tighten all skull pins according to one of the below pin tightening methods. Finally,
tighten all skull pins using a torque driver first to 4 in. lbs. and then to 8 in. lbs.
according the same pin tightening method. note: During pin application, if excessive
resistance is felt, the pin may be cross-threaded. Do not force the pin. Remove the pin,
re-align with the threaded hole and apply again.
The order of pin tightening can be accomplished by one of two methods; opposing pair
method or posterior-anterior method.
• Opposing pair: pins opposite to each other are tightened simultaneously (Figure 8).
• Posterior-anterior: two posterior pins are tightened followed by the two anterior pins
(Figure 9).
*Skull pins should be tightened to 8 in. lbs., as indicated by preset torque driver. If higher
or lower torque is needed, use Össur Adjustable Torque Driver # 575S.
8. Remove positioning pins.
9. Apply and finger-tighten lock nuts. Do not use a wrench.
10. After approximately 30 min (or at the end of vest application if halo was applied
first) loosen lock nuts, check skull pin torque, and re-tighten lock nuts. Follow up by
checking pin torque 24–36 hours after. Retighten skull pins with the torque driver as
opTIonAl/HElpFUl HInTS
Traction Hoop: Position traction hoop symmetrically on patient and connect to halo on
holes not used by skull pins. The S-hook is then placed through the hole in the top of the
traction hoop and used to apply the appropriate traction load (Figure 10).
J-Tongs: If using Ossur J-Tongs in conjunction with the ReSolve Halo, orient V down to fit
around base of tongs (Figure 11).
note: these instructions are directed towards practitioners/physicians applying a halo, and are
not intended as patient care instructions. Refer to Össur Patient Information Manual for patient
home hygiene and care instructions.
1. Provide and explain information to patient for daily halo care.
2. Schedule a 24–36 hour follow up visit post-application to check pin tightness and
for signs of complications.
3. 3 week visits for liner changes and pin-site inspections should be scheduled. During
pin-site inspections, check for redness, discharge, or other signs of infection.