6. Using the Lounge'n'LOOK Series WebCam
To check the functionality of the webcam, you can use the program AMCAP.
The program AMCAP is installed together with the drivers. This program is a
simple program to configure the webcam and make video captures.
To execute the program AMCAP, click 'Start', 'Programs', 'Conceptronic
Lounge'n'LOOK Series WebCam', and 'AMCAP'. You will see the live stream of
the webcam available in the program.
When no image of the webcam is visible, use the option 'Devices' (1) to select the
'Conceptronic Lounge'n'LOOK Series WebCam'.
Through the menu 'Options' (2), you are able to change the default settings for
the Webcam. Using the menu 'Capture' (3) will allow you to save video captures
on your computer hard disk.
The Webcam can also be used within Microsoft MSN Messenger. You need to
configure MSN Messenger before you can use the webcam. To configure, use the
'Tools', 'Audio and Video setup' in the main MSN Messenger window.
After all configurations are made, the Webcam is ready for use!